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*Cannabuttrer and Rice Kreepers Recipe! Enjoy!

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by blip420, Mar 14, 2012.

  1. #1 blip420, Mar 14, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 14, 2012
    Hello fellow blades, it has been quite a while since I've been in the city. Thought I'd contribute some good info. This is a new Marijuana Rice Krispy recipe I came up with. I understand some may not have made cannabutter before so I also included a tutorial to produce potent cannabutter.



    7 Grams of decent bud (Dry it out just a bit to make grinding easier)
    2 1/2 Sticks of butter (Do not use margarine) [5 half-sticks in some cases]

    Sauce pan

    Glass bowl

    Measuring cup

    Metal coffee filter

    Tin foil

    Mason jar (Or some way to store the butter)


    Grind bud with coffee grinder. If you have no coffee grinder, use a marijuana grinder or a pair of scissors

    Turn the stove burner on low and melt the butter in a sauce pan

    When the butter is melted, turn to simmer add the bud. STIR FREQUENTLY

    Let the bud stay on simmer for 10 minutes (or until top is frothy)

    Pour contents into glass bowl
    Cover with tin foil and let cool in fridge for 24 hour. Be Patient :)

    Remove from fridge and place into sauce pan on simmer. Let it melt slowly.

    Once the butter is completely melted, place the coffee filter over the measuring cup and strain the bud out of the butter.

    Smurfs can smell that shit.

    Pour into a jar and let harden over the span of an hour or two.

    Now your cannabutter is ready for use in various recipes :D

    Including this next one!

    Part2 follows
  2. #2 blip420, Mar 14, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 14, 2012


    1 cup cannabutter (2/3 cup for kreepers without chocolate)

    6 cups of mini marshmallows

    6 1/2 cups of rice krispies (I use some fruity pebbles for shits and giggles)

    2 Tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa

    1/4 cup powdered sugar

    1 Teaspoon of Vanilla extract


    Medium size pot

    Mixing bowl


    Large Spoon

    Cake Pan (9x9)


    Melt marshmallows in pot on low heat, turn to simmer and infuse with 1/3 cup cannabutter and 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla. Add 3 cups of marshmallows and 3 1/4 cups rice krispies. Stir quickly and thoroughly. You do not want the butter or marshmallows in the pan for too long. Spread the resulting mixture in the 9x9 pan.

    Mix the Powdered suger, cocoa, a dash of vanilla extract and spread on first layer of rice krispies.

    Repeat the rice krispy mixture and add second layer


    Let it cool in the fridge for 20 minutes before serving. split into 9 pieces and enjoy!!!

    Sorry about the lack of pictures in the second half. Things move quickly and I was not able to take as many pictures as I would have liked.

    Ask me questions if you need answers!!!
  3. It's good to see that you have an interest in edible cannabis, and it's a good start. :)

    But you forgot to decarb, and clarify your butter! :(

    Ten minutes isn't even long enough to activate your herb, let alone promote bioavailability, especially in a diluted edible solvent. :(

    You'll find that you have MUCH more potency, from the same material, if you activate your herb first, and use a pure edible solvent rather than one contaminated with so much water. :hello:

    Good luck with your crispy squares, and don't worry too much, they *should* still do something at least. In the future you'll be able to multiply the number of doses, and create a much stronger, longer-lasting experience per dose, with the correct processing. :)

  4. elaborate please

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