
Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Flannigan, Nov 24, 2023.

  1. So I know this probably isn't the right forum but I get the most attention here. Last night for the first time I made some cannabutter. I did everything the recipe told me the best I possibly could but when I got finished I noticed 2 oils. Top was green and bottom kinda yellow. It stayed liquid but at room temperature like the recipe said I put my container in the refrigerator until this morning and it's like butter now but it's like I said green on top and kinda yellow brown bottom.

    Any thoughts why or does it look like supposed to? @sosogrow I know you was given me so pointers? 17008356318157937003069947610778.jpg 17008357401563153858513687036376.jpg
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  2. It looks perfect. The top solid layer is your infused butter and that bottom layer is the sludge. Remove the top layer and dispose of the sludge. You may need to lightly scrape some remaining sludge off of the bottom of the butter puck.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Ok great thanks I was kinda thinking that but as said this is my first time. I feel good to hear you say it looks perfect thanks very much.
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  4. Depending on what I'm making with the butter, I will sometimes melt the puck down and filter it a second time. It helps mild out some of the canna taste.

    If I'm mixing it with something with a strong flavor like dark cocoa or hot peppers I don’t bother as they do a good job masking it. If I'm just going to use it to butter biscuits then it gets the second filter.

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  5. during butter making I pour the melted butter and weed into a bowel of water and leave in the fridge
    in the morning its solid I crack of the butter and the sludge is in the water that I pour out
    if tough getting the sludge of the butter I freeze and scrape of with a sharp knife

    good luck
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  6. Thanks I strained my weed off after cooking around 5 hours into a bowl I poured after straining weed. And we'll you saw what it looks like but im going to do what you suggested.
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  7. I used a half ounce and 2 sticks or 8 ounces of butter with a cup and half water after decarbing my weed in the oven.
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  8. found at last Derek B..11 year old thread on cannabutter but the best IMO
    Derek has since passed on ...pity,
    his page:,
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  9. Thanks you I'll check this out and rest in peace to your friend.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  10. Looks alright to me. When I cook, I add about a cup of water to the batch while its cooking. When you cool it back down, the fatty butter stay on top and the sludge water-solubles go to the bottom, but they don't solidify, you just pop out the solid and keep that part.
    Anyhow, stiff to try next time.
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  11. Tip?IDK, but I was told, you can just dump your vaped weed into your butter because it is already decarboxolated
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  12. 17008691878385393919404639475526.jpg Check it out I just removed it from my plastic container and the dirty water just poured right off.
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  13. The recipe said this equals about 5 batches. I made it into 4 and look how the butcher knife broke it so neat. 17008696721639099515695481284300.jpg
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  14. oh, so you did have water in there, I misunderstood. Good work flan.
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  15. Thanks yes at the bottom however im scared lmao.

    I said and meant I have never and I also meant I have never even made brownies and I got the mix on myself a little all over my fingers licking it off then I couldn't waste what was in my mixing bowl or after pouring the batter lol.

    It's only been around 10 minutes and I think I'm getting stoned already. I made these for my roommate because she doesn't smoke rarely does anything no caffeine even.
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  16. Nice job @Flannigan!
    Your grow fine weed.
    Now your make potent canna butter.
    After that, my next step was pain cream.
    Then Bubble hash was next for me.

    Do you have another product you’re planning on doing?
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  17. Just growing and making cannabutter for now but I made some really potent brownies that were delicious. Thank you man.
    • Winner Winner x 2
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  18. Thanks again for your experience man
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  19. Thanks @trojangrower
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  20. Thanks @coloradon00b

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