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Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by manicman95, Oct 24, 2014.

  1. So about 4 days ago I made the sad discovery that one of my 6 month old plants had seeds just when it was starting to flowers, very sad anyways so the leaves and stem were sticky as fuck so I thought fuck this I'm going to dry it and smoke it (not the stem) but then I thought cannabutter I looked and looked and found heaps of ones that were complicated and long but then one stood out....

    Anyways so here's the recipe I sort of gathered / just did what I thought was right... (I'm pretty wrecked so I guess it was right lol)

    Tupperware container

    150 grams of butter

    Fork or spoon


    Small pot (I used a real small one)

    (Chop it chunky)About a quarter of leaf/stems (of course use bud if you can spare it but it's still mind blowing without)

    OK so add the butter let it all melt the chuck that shit in the pot now straight away you should see it change colour now stir for five minutes with the heat on medium then lower to nearly the lowest it can go and stir every 4 minutes or less do this for about 30 minutes (I turned the heat up for a couple of minutes every now and again) then set of hotplate and let cool while stirring every so often in ten minutes it will be cool enough put it through the strainer when putting it into the container and push that gunky shit so all of the oil comes out then chuck in the freezer for ten.. ready to use as soon as made.....

    Really fucked and on a phone sorry bout the grammar peace outf

    As you can see I've had some already lol

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