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Cannabutter: wildly variable effects

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by AltHighGuy, Sep 12, 2016.

  1. Yesterday, I dissolved 3 teaspoons of potent cannabutter into my green tea after giving it a hot water bath inside a mason jar for a minute on the range (don't recommend it because it tastes fucking terrible, like gag reflex terrible). Two hours later, NOTHING. So I scooped 3 teaspoons onto bread without melting it (the trick is to moisten the bread with tea so you can straight up swallow it without tasting, like a duck or Homer Simpson, just don't chew). Didn't seem to do anything. Then I went to dinner with my parents and wow was that a bad idea. Today, I take nine, NINE teaspoons (6 melted into tea and 3 by melting it onto bread and duck swallowing it) and I got fucking NOTHING. Yesterday I was CRAZY baked, now I had to fire up my volcano.

    The reason why I'm using edibles now is because even the volcano thrashes my throat. I have a pack-a-day smoker's cough whenever I use it, and at night I wheeze so much I wake myself up. I tried brownies, but there is so much fucking sugar in those things that they made me shit myself. I tried tinctures using Master Wu's recipe (because I'm not investing MONTHS into making a tincture, come on people), but found that it did nothing to me except burn the bottom of my mouth and tongue with super harsh alcohol. The tinctures got me more drunk than high (tiny tiny buzz, I'm not a drinker at all so I even feel 2mg of Bacardi 151). So I thought "why don't I just eat the cannabutter raw? Its already decarbed and ready to go!" But the results are mind boggling to me. It either works only when I don't want it to kick in, or NOT AT ALL (wtf!).What am I doing wrong here? Should I not be melting it to ingest?

    Guys, I really need help here finding the healthiest way to medicate, and I have been INCREDIBLY frustrated trying to find a non-inhalant alternative. Please, help me.
  2. Did you decarboxylate your weed first ?
  3. For the butter? Oh, I guess I should explain how I make that. I don't decarb it first because I use a double boiler and 2 hours of squeezing and flipping a cheesecloth "weed burrito" every 15min. I was told that, using this method, the decarb process takes place during. So no need to decarb it beforehand.

    That can't possibly be it anyway, because it worked yesterday, How does it work yesterday and not today because of a faulty decarb process?
  4. Also, I used a full O and 2 cups of butter (ended up with 1 cup after cooking), so its supposed to be fucking insanely potent.
  5. Well then you explain it .
    Its either shitty weed ? Or the process wasn't done correctly ?
    I am betting is the process . Burrito process no good ?
    Try using your butter in something you bake in the oven and see if it works .
  6. Already made brownies with the exact same process and they worked exceptionally well, but there was so much sugar in those things that I basically shit out a lung instead of coughing it up.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Just proves your decarb sucked camel ass.
  8. I don't think you know what you're talking about...
  9. @AltHighGuy
    Hash Master 5000 - Dry Ice Method, Hash Oil Capsules, Everclear Tincture
    Dry Ice hash
    Coconut oil

    5 grams decarbed hash (240 F for 40-60 minutes) This activated the cannabis.. And No it doesn't decarb for shit once mixed in oil.. 10-15 grams of high grade bud can be used..
    1 table spoon coconut oil
    1/2 teaspoon soy lecithin..
    Heat 220 F for 20 minutes the freeze.. 2 more heat and freezes for me.. If using bud strain it at this stage with a garlic press..
    Makes 30 (0) caps..
    Lots of ways to make potent caps this is just one.. My hashmaster thread covers the 2 basic methods and most of it comes from Bad Kats canna thread..
    BadKats CannaPharm: Medical Grade Oil, Cannabis Capsules, UV GLOWING Hash Candy, Canna Bombs more
    • Like Like x 1
  10. #10 sickmanfraud, Sep 12, 2016
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2016
    Regardless of how long you cook your cannabutter or cannacoco oil you MUST DECARBOXYLATE THE CANNABIS FIRST.

    240 F for 40 minutes. find tincture info here. Another Tincture Thread - Try it, Youll like it

    This is a link to an almost 600 page thread. My suggestions for how to deal with it is as follows: read the first 3-5 pages to understand the technique / recipe; next read the last 3-5 pages so you see where the thread is at.

    You can ask questions and expect answers that you can depend on.

    There is an index on the first page.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Okay, apparently I need to decarb it first. Lesson learned. So why does it affect me sometimes and then not other times? It can't be because it hasn't been decarbed, right?
  12. But...that tincture recipe takes weeks to complete...
  13. [​IMG]
    Decarb weed (240 F 40 minutes Covered dish, Oven cooking bag, sealed foil pouch.
    Freeze weed, Freeze 151-190 proof..
    Combine and shake 30 seconds.. Put back in freezer 5 minutes.. Remove and shake again.. DONE !!
    Extract the now active tincture fluid being careful not to get it on your hands..
    Takes under an hour including decarb but not counting freezer time.. OK so it takes a day..
    • Like Like x 1

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