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cannabutter questions

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by -M-MONEY-, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. #1 -M-MONEY-, Jan 31, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2011
    Thinking about making some cannabutter, and I've got just a few questions before I get started:

    1. I have 9 grams of stems, all from chronic, and 5 grams of vaped weed, also chronic. Will this be enough to make a good batch of cannabutter?

    2. If the answer to #1 is yes, how many sticks of butter should I use for this amount? If the answer to #1 is no, how much more should I save up and add, or how much actual bud should I add?

    3. How long will I need to keep this on the stove top on low to maximize the potency of my butter?

    4. Is there any specific butter I should use? (salted vs. unsalted, specific brand name that works best, etc.)

    Any help would be great, thanks in advance.
  2. Does anybody have any input on this?
  3. Find an oil or butter with a high fat content, that's the simple part. Coconut and olive oils are also good. If it's butter, and you won't be decarbing your material, you should use clarified butter (meaning the milk solids and water have been removed), or find a recipe to clarify the butter yourself.
    Heating canna in pure oil, with no water content, aids in decarboxylation. If your oil has no water, it heats the glands 'dry', allowing the evaporation of water and carbon dioxide, in other words releasing the carboxyl group causing the cannabinoid conversion we require in order to achieve an effect.

    It takes longer to decarb this way in oil, which is why us "old fogies" used to cook our canna oils for as long as a day, or longer, before achieving optimum results.

    Use enough oil and materials that your herb is well covered and coated, but not a 'soup'. More of a slurry.
  4. thanks for the input! i did however decide to use hashmouf's tutorial on making cannabutter, i just hope that the 9g's of stems and 5g's of vaped is enough to make me some nice butter. debating on whether i'll use it to make brownies or cookies, or just use it on toast and things.
  5. I am interested in treating myself with edibles because I need to hit on the CB2 receptors to deal with some tremors so I can ditch the gabapentin, and want to also deal with some chronic pain. I am going to have about half an ounce to mess with.

    I am thinking of something to mix with nutella, as I hate peanut butter and am allergic to coconut oil. So if I use ghee/clarified butter for the extract, can I strain out the plant matter? I am thinking that it would be perfect if I can do it spread on my breakfast muffin, and again as part of dessert.
  6. Aloha I just made some Canna shortening a new way.. I put decarbed weed in mason jar with melted shortening and put in pot of boiling water for 3 hours and strained. Now, the weed was crunchy! Even though I made sure to shake up every 30 minutes and there was plenty of liquid (oil). Can I use leftovers to make more butter? I only got 1 cup of 1 1/2 cups shortening I started with. Thank you

  7. OP is 8 years old & that isn't a new way to make weed butter lol
  8. Yes, it's wise to use your leftovers to make more butter. I use it as a base and add fresh cannabis.
  9. Thank
    you. I thought it would be good idea,especially this time cause weed was still full of shortening (1/2 cup roughly).
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Yeah, there's a lot of goodness left in the mash, up to 30% of the THC may remain in the leftovers.
  11. How should I?? I don’t as thinking of putting in pot of water, simmer for few hours..adding some fresh decarb weed to it. Want to try and keep strong as possible
  12. I
    meant to say was thinking of putting in pot..blah, blah , blah
  13. Di
    d mean new just different from what I usually do. Of course it’s been done before, what hasn’t;)
  14. A
    l, the edibles I’ve been making are tasty but I feel a little weak. I gave a few to neighbor and waiting for input. Not sure what I’m doing wrong
  15. For the most potent edibles leave the cannabis in the recipe, don't strain. I just use the puck left from straining in the next batch of oil I make. @bkarnaze gives a recipe for cooking with cannabis that works well. Disabled Person Looking Fool Proof Recipie
  16. Aloha, so first I don’t think stems will work very well..but if you can get some trim or a little bud that will do well with ABV you have. I like to use about an ounce of trim, shake or bud (ABV works great), decarb in oven(or toaster oven) 240 degrees for about 45 minutes or until golden brown. There are different methods for next step, you can do any of these on stove top. 1: put 4 cups water in pot and heat, add 1 - 1 1/2 cups or 2 sticks butter/shortening, let melt gently (no boil), stir in weed(grind down if possible), let simmer with no boiling for about 3 hours. Being careful not to burn yourself, strain off plant matter and let cool and separate for about 12 hours. I use this in baking cookies and brownies. But you can use any way you want. 2: heat 6 cups of water and put mason jar with decarbed weed and premelted butter/shortening , closing tightly. Put a cloth or other barrier in bottom of pot to prevent jar breaking (won’t if good quality), put jar in boiling water. Boil gently for about 3 hours. Shake gently every 30 minutes. CAREFUL not to burn yourself!! Strain off plant matter and store in sealed container until ready to use. Hope this helps
    • Like Like x 1
  17. So I kinda did this by accident.. I had never used a mason jar and boiling water before couple days ago. I put 1 1/2 cups shortening in mason jar (already melted) and about a ounce of trim and bud(decarbed in toaster oven on 240 degrees for over 45 minutes).. gently boiled in water for 3 hours, strained and put in fridge. Baked some delicious homemade cookies and about an hour later could feel effects from one small cookie. But interestingly the weed was crispy in jar! Never had that happen with other methods. And very potent.. always felt like weed wasn’t decarbing enough before other infusions.. weak batches too.
    • Like Like x 1
  18. The stems will be worthless in cannabutter.
    • Agree Agree x 1

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