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Cannabutter Question

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Nolalove06, Sep 24, 2009.

  1. So, I've been doing some reading on how to make cannabutter, and I've come across several ways to do and not to do things. Any help would be appreciated.


    Quick Questions:

    1. Melt the butter in boiling water? Or by itself?

    2. I heard that you DO NOT microwave already made cannabutter as this will destroy the THC properties. T/F?

    3. When referring to the amount of weed per stick of butter, is this de-seeded, broken down weed? Or weight before that process? And how many grams per stick? (of schwagg)

    4. Do you strain before or after you put in the fridge?

    5. Do you measure cannabutter the same as reg butter? Like if a recipe calls for a 1/4 cup of butter do you use a 1/4 cup of cannabutter?

  2. **************bump
  3. 1. Melt the butter in boiling water? Or by itself?
    You can do either. Water will filter out a lot of the flavor of the weed, so the butter will taste better.

    2. I heard that you DO NOT microwave already made cannabutter as this will destroy the THC properties. T/F?
    Don't make it in a microwave. I don't know about destroying thc properties, or whatever, but oil/butter does not do well in the microwave. You need a long, very low, steady heat to get the best extraction.

    3. When referring to the amount of weed per stick of butter, is this de-seeded, broken down weed? Or weight before that process? And how many grams per stick? (of schwagg)
    It's not an exact science. However you want to do it

    4. Do you strain before or after you put in the fridge?
    It would be difficult to strain solid butter

    5. Do you measure cannabutter the same as reg butter? Like if a recipe calls for a 1/4 cup of butter do you use a 1/4 cup of cannabutter?
  4. I know it would be extremely difficult to staid solid butter :) but I've read that the longer you let the bud sit in the butter the more thc will leech out, so people say make it fridge it then reheat and strain, seems like its a huge pain in the ass, so I didn't know if it was worth it. Thanks for your help!
  5. I like to heat then cool a few times over the course of a couple days. I make 1/2 ounce of butter a month and it always kicks my ass.
  6. I've never bothered with reheating, because I cook my butter in a crock pot for almost 24 hours. I'm pretty sure that any THC extracted after that would be minimal, and not worth the effort.

    But again... it's really not an exact science. Everyone does it a little different.

    When making any kind of herbal infusion in oil (which is what this is), time + heat (but not too hot) will equal stronger potency.

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