ok so i just tried something i have never done before... my boyfriend recently had his wisdom teeth out and ran out of his pain medication, and has dry socket . I wanted to make him some cannabutter to put on toast to ease his pain. unfortunately my roommates hate weed and would have a fit if i started cooking it on the stove top.... sooo i microwaved 1 tablespoon of butter with a couple drops of olive oil in intervals of about 15 seconds 3 times. when the butter was boiling i added 1 gram of weed and stirred it in. I now am waiting for the melted butter to turn into butter again. i will let you know how this turns out... maybe a quick recipe for those in need of one. anyone else tried something like this?
You could also just get him some more pain medication. Weed can help ease pain, but not as much as the blessed Vicodin.
You should have made canna-oil in the oven and mixed it in with some ice cream. It won't make any noticeable smell and the ice cream would likely be much easier for him to eat as opposed to solid toast. That's just my two cents though.
yeah but he went home to get his wisdom teeth out which is about 3 1/2 hours away. had to come back for school so more pain meds aren't an option unfortunately
Im really curious as to how that would go. I feel like the way a mirco wave heats would like... make the weed, i dont know... dry? Not sure though, I have never attempted to make edibles.
You have to be on some good shit. I repeated what you claim to have done and well, I don't believe you did it.
Prettiestgreen did not do what they claimed bcause I followed the same instructions and butter boils in a microwave at about 1 minute 20 seconds.
I understand where you're coming from, unfortunately it's not at all an effective way to make edibles I'm sorry you didn't have success... this may help (for more info, there is an entire section of the forum devotion to edibles!): To learn how to make this (or your trimmings...) Into, this... See the link below: (First Page, contains detailed information on decarboxylation, or cannabinoid conversion.. decarboxylation is the process of activating your cannabinoids 'potency' by removing the carboxyl group in the form of carbon dioxide and water vapor, converting your cannabinoids from their acid, to their more potent delta forms): Photo Tutorial: Highly Activated Med Grade Bioavailable Canna & Hash Oil, Edibles, Drinkables and more... The best oils, produce little to no odor during processing, if sealed properly and heated and cooled correctly. You can easily put it in any boxed brownie mix... be sure to read the final paragraph for detailed dosage information. In the above link, you will also find tutorials for: Capsules... Canna 'Bombs'... Glowing candy... -"Meddy" Moose Pops- -Philosopher's STONES- Main courses... Soup... Many desserts, even Jello... Drinks UV/Glowing Drinks... And Ice Cream... And among the many others, there are of course the old favorites, brownies and cookies... And more... All of the above recipes and tutorials, are in the link. Have fun, and good luck!