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Cannabutter - Fan leaf & stalk

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Geo One Love, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. Yooo, this is my first post. Hoping for a warm reception.

    Anyway, I browsed many forums for many hours searching for a definitive answer on weather 'fan leaves' and 'stalks' would provide enough potency to get high way past medicinal purposes. Diddnt really find one so I decided to make some of my own.

    My mother absolutely butchered my outdoor grow a few days ago so I decided to use all the syyyyiiit she mowered off lol (no frosty leaves just fan and stalk). So I hair dry these still moist leaves and begin to grind an oz 'n half of the stuff by hand, with a cheap plastic grinder I got free from 'everybodydoesit' about 5 years ago. Im now the proud owner of popeye forearms. Right, grind it all up, bring pan of 3 small mugs of water to the boil, melt 3/4 of 1 pound of butter into the boiling water, then bring to simmer and add the goodies, well, baddies I suppose.

    Leave for 2 hours simmering away, stairing maybe once every 10-15 mins. 2 hours pass quickly, I'm playing bf 3. Time to strain this stuff, I used, oh by the way this syhit stayyyyynks! Proper proper pongs hum dingin'. I used a coffe strainer to ...'strain' it believe it or not, wire mesh not that paper stuff that everyone recommends :(. Put the potion into an empty ice-cream tub (soft scoop). Checked back four hours later and walah! Here's my bogey green smelly disgusting and slushy tub of infectious seepage. I then drained the sewerage for underneath the newly set butter that lays on top and binned it, in the bin. Bin.

    Grabbed a bowl (asin for baking, like not baking high, but baking food) I mixed magic brownie bust 1 egg and my cannabutter with 3 tbs of water, give it a good old bead of sweat with the tremendous display of forearm skill while stiring. Gas Mark 4 20-25 mins, trembling with fear before I take it out with the hope it won't taste like the smell of the butter. It smelt like the butter. I then melted inside like the very bit of brownie I wad holding lovingly in my palm. Yuuuuuuk, words cannot describe how horrible. But I'm vibrating from head to toe in an orgasmic canabis fashion.

    So the morral of the story is, hello this is me, I enjoyed the new experience of cooking with weed and hoping to learn alot from this great forum.
    Peeeeeeace people's :)
  2. I would like to share with you some of your experiences with canna butter, and try find the perfect method.
  3. Hey i recently made a batch with 1/4 cup of butter and 5 grams of high grade Sour Kush! (this an be increased ex. 20grams of high grade to 1 pound of butter and 4 cups of water).
    Well i can say it was a success because i made 20 brownies off it (.25 in each) and 1 gets serious stoners very high!!!!!

    Ok so first of all you must decarb your green, break the buds into smaller pieces and place it evenly ona peice of aluminum foil, wrap it up. Preheat the oven to 200 F, put the green in the oven for 20-30 minutes..
    Once done grind into a powder (it should be crunchy and break on touch & reek), melt your 1/4 cup of butter and add a cup of water, you want your element on the lowest setting probably around 200-230 F & add the green, you want to lightly simmer it for 23 and a half hours, yes this long.
    once simmered you now must strain with a cheese cloth, it is better to soak it before straining with water to ensure the least amount of lost product. Squeeze it out good, not put it in the FREEZER to solidify.. leave it in for about 2 hours, now transfer it into a room temp environment, two layer will form butter and water poke the butter and drain the water.
    Now melt that shit down and cook whatever the fuck you want !!!
    hope this helps :) , if you follow exactly what i said i guarantee you will have a potent butter!
    When cooking your food after the butter is made keep the temps atleast 25 degrees below 300 F, 300 is a number you must hate and avoid at all costs.
    It will destroy some of the properties of the butter if temps exceed 300 F. (you may have to cook longer)
  4. Woa there pal, you sound like a seasoned professional ;). I will without a doubt give your method a go. Did you develop it yourself through the process trail and error or what?
    Hope ya don't mind me asking a few questions. I'm a keen learner.

    What is 'decarbing' exactly? How does this benefit the end product? And what is the process of 'decarbing'? From what I can imagine it just adds abut of finess to the end product, quite like matureing a prime bud or fine ale?

    Thanks for the temprictue info, will come in handy to know a vital bit of cooking

    Is their any particular reason you prefair to put your butter in the freezer rather than the fridge?

    Lucky sod to live in Canada - peace from the uk!
  5. #5 Cage22, Aug 18, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 18, 2012
    Im very young
    Yes, trial and error.
    The freezing locks in the process.
    Decarbing is removing the carbon dioxide from the plant and converting it to a way more active soluble substance, all it removing all the water moisture from the plant and drying it completely. this helps so much trust me. If decarbed properly it can be up to 6x more potent!(end product)
    The water is used to remove much of the bad flavor which is mostly in the chlorophyll (water soluble) also it ensures there is no vaporization of precious cannabinoids. It slows down the process (diluting solvent) but ensures optimal potency.

    If you want more bang for your buck ive developed a tincture method that involves NO time sitting. its instant potency.. if you need help on ratios just let me know..:hello:

    hope this helps
    Oh btw.. its better to freeze it for 4-5 hours BEFORE you strain, then reheat the entire thing, THEN strain it and put it in the fridge to solidify then separate the water re heat and cook this does make a difference
    good things take time
    it is better to run water through the buttery green forgot to mention that and squeeze it out as good as you can again.

    Save all your nasty butter weed and keep it in the freezer, save a couple ounces and make a base batch for some SUPER potent canna butter

  6. Water contamination should be avoided at all costs... it was an old 'myth' that it 'cleanses' the butter or oil, but it's VERY well known now that it only invites in inert plant matter and reduces the efficiency of your solvent!

    That aside, when dumping out the water, you'll notice that even oily glandular material tends to sink below, just like when making ice hash... in other words, you're pouring valuable potency down the drain! :eek:

    It's why the old water butters of the old days, that functioned on myths and old wives tales, took so much longer, and still turned out much weaker than the medicinal grade oils of today. :smoke:

    For the most bang for your buck, just check out the stickies :)

    The recipes below take much less time, they promote more bioavailability, and degrade less material in the process, in order to provide MUCH stronger end results! :hello:

    They also give you more control over the amount of activation you require... many people don't realize that the effects you receive are dependent on the amount of activation and cannabinoid conversion you encourage! Even with just one strain, you can achieve a wide range of sensations!

    Proper activation, but little to no conversion or formation of CBN, will give you the mind-racy cerebral 'high' results many people are after, while longer processing in oil can encourage the formation of more CBN from THC and as a result will also help to increase the ratio of CBG to THC, in order to provide more narcotic, sedative, 'stoned couch-lock' results. :yay:

    BadKat's Highly Activated & Bioavailable, Med-Grade Canna Oil (starting with flowers/bud/trim etc)

    Med-Grade Canna Oil


    BadKat's Highly Activated & Bioavailable, Med-Grade Cannabis Concentrate (Edible & Smokable
    recipes included... bioavailable improvement on Pheonix Tears & similar to BHO, but made with food grade/drinking

    -Medical Grade Cannabis Concentrate-


    BadKat's Highly Activated & Bioavailable, Med-Grade Hash Oil (starting with dry-sift hash, same as capsule
    recipe, oil can also be used for cooking)

    Med-Grade Hash Oil


    Good luck, and have fun! :wave:
  7. #7 Cage22, Aug 18, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 18, 2012
    the water is evaporated off chlorophyll IS water soluble. At the end of the batch im left with little or no water
    remember a thing called water-curing ?

    also people who have very high tolerances eat 1 of my brownie (.25) and get put to sleep.
    seems like potency to me.

  8. If you're going to try to give people advice, be sure you're consistent, because that's not at all what you said earlier.... see below. :)

    I'd just hate to see a patient waste their valuable meds for the week, after the person who gave them advice retracts their original statement. :eek:

    See? You didn't even mention evaporation to the OP, until now. :p

    And by adding water in the first place, you're inviting more chlorophyll to enter your oil, than you'd have had without that water contamination!

    A pure oil source is not only a more efficient solvent, but it also leaves all that inert junk behind! :hello:

    But if you really want to 'water cure' (which is actually not curing in terms of potency, but rather flushing salts and chlorophyll) your bud, to remove chlorophyll before beginning, that's much more acceptable.:smoke:

    By performing an initial water-flush/cure, you can pre-flush the buds, removing their salt and chlorophyll content, before re-drying and finally adding them to the pure oil!

    This produces a MUCH cleaner oil, than trying to blend with the water during oil processing! :hello:

    And just an FYI, when making water-butter, you are -not- supposed to put it in the fridge right away, let alone the freezer.:eek:

    This does not allow time for separation before the oil solidifies, and causes chunks of fat to blend with the water below, and contaminated water to blend with the oil above.

    In other words, this leaves precious canna oil floating in with the water, and chlorophyll-tainted water mixed with the solid oil above. And what's worse, any un-infused glandular material sinks like a rock to the bottom, just like when making ice-hash!

    With the old-fashioned/inefficient water-butters, once done, you need to let it sit in a room-temp area to actually separate for at least a few minutes, to an hour or more first, then place in the fridge or freezer so the upper oil layer can solidify alone, without the water being mixed in.

    Separation does not occur as easily in a cool or cold climate, while the oil is already hardening!

    And some history;

    The original purpose of adding water was NOT for 'water-washing' or removing contamination... that is a newer rumor.

    It was added as an ill-conceived attempt, at controlling temperatures, when processing over an open flame or directly over a burner or intense heat source.. it was ill-conceived, because the glandular material still comes into direct contact with the heat source below, even if the overall solution itself does not reach high temps.

    And by diluting your oil source, and rendering it less efficient, you're left to increase the time your material is exposed to heat, which degraded a HUGE amount of potency!

    With the old water-butters, we either had to halt the process too early, to prevent degradation, which left us with reduced bioavailability, or we had to let the process go on for much too long, to encourage more bioavailability, which unfortunately allowed a great deal of degradation to occur.

    In both cases, this ultimately resulted in a reduction of the potency, delivered to the blood stream. :(

    This is why the medicinal oils of today, are so much more powerful, and yet require less time, than the 'water-butters' of the old days. :yay:

    You really have to read around a bit... we've learned a TON about cannabis since the 60's! :hello:

    Hope this helps clear up your confusion! :wave:
  9. This is true but it would have still evaporated if i told him or not !
    "nd just an FYI, when making water-butter, you are -not- supposed to put it in the fridge right away, let alone the freezer.:eek: "

    i know this, i forgot to mention it to him. wait until its room temp.
    and i guarentee the aptient would have NOT lost their meds for the week and would have been HAPPY with the results even with my poorly given instructions.
  10. As you can see i told him it dilutes the solvent, slows down the process. I also should have said the water will slowly evaporate off (along with the chlorophyll) it invites more chlorophyll into the butter/water mixture but DOES NOT bond with the butter molecules its evaporates out via water vapor. The OP has a gas element i recommend NOT using faster extraction methods unless he has a candy thermometer to keep an eye on ACTUAL temps.
  11. Never mind all that water stuff. Look up “decarb instant pot on reddit”
    Decarb and butter infusion are done inside a mason jar inside the instant pot. Virtually smell free in the house within the hour.

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