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cannabutter advice

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by papajesus, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. Hey all,

    I've been watching a few threads in the edible forum the past week or so, and I've decided it's time to do my own batch of cannabutter... I've tried once in the past with butter, and once with oil -- both were fail. When I did the butter method, I melted the butter into water & boiled it with the herb... it was a recommendation from my old dealer and I nearly killed him for it... FAIL!!

    Anyway, I'd love to learn the best way to slow cook the full potency out of a quarter of some fairly decent bud. Crock pot simmer is what I hear is pretty damn pro, is that what you all would recommend? I have my own place / kitchen etc so any extensive projects are fine, I just want some BOMB brownies..! I've got the recipe I want, but the butter is what I need to figure out.


    Thx for the help, + rep for help :wave:
  2. Super simple rundown;
    Finely grind up an ounce of decent mids.
    Put in a sauce pan with a stick of butter and simmer on low. Wait until the butter turns a green color and simpley strain the plant material.
    The recipe I used this with was fruity pebbles marshmellow treats. Super dank :hello:
  3. But dude, I'm looking to slow simmer all of the thc out of it... what you're describing is not what i said in my post :S
  4. Slow cooking and the method I described will have the same result, from what I have learned from experimenting, :smoking: but alright man.

  5. yeah? alright... i can believe it, as most recipes are similar, but my dealer INSISTS it's cooked slowly, ha.

    +rep, & thx
  6. Greetings Papajesus,
    What is it about the butter that you need to know? Give me a little more Info!!!
  7. Is this the same dealer that told you to melt the butter in the water? Lol
    thanks for the rep, right back at you ;)

  8. Nah, the slow simmer thing is my new dealer :eek:
  9. I have used a crock pot before and even on the lowest setting for about 4 hours I noticed nothing different in the high vs simmering it In a pan.
    Have you ever had an Eddible?
    They are very potent. My first time was like :hippie:

  10. yup, but only once were they good. can't remember it though. ha.
  11. Everytime I made cannabutter I used a crockpot using the lowest setting....the thing about slow cooking is that you don't want the butter to boil or simmer or else it'll burn. If you're using a new crockpot, keep your eye on it and stir every once in a while.
    Use trimmings or ground up mids and don't use water with the butter!
    Also strain it well with a wire strainer and cheese cloth.
    Happy baking :)

  12. Thanks for responding -- would a candy thermometer be sufficient? What temp should the crockpot pot be at at optimum? 260 ish?
  13. The cannabutter process not the amount. Hahah I wouldn't use four ounces unless I grew, which won't be long until i try my hand at it. But buying a qp of mid just doesn't seem worth it to me. I would rather buy 2 ounces of dank. Quality over quanity.
  14. double boiler and melt the butter and weed together is the best way to make cannabutter. you can slow simmer for like up to 3 hours if you wanted, but 45-60 min is perfect.

  15. mmm sounds tasty, at what temp for slow?
  16. Not sure why you'd kill your dealer for giving you sound advice on how to do a butter extraction. If done properly, it is the easiest, most effective method. There are a number of reasons for this:

    Because water only boils at 212 F, it is impossible to burn off or vape off your THC. THC vaporizes at around 370 degrees. It is also impossible to burn your butter if kept in boiling water. It IS possible to burn your butter and ruin your buds if you go straight into the frying pan and simmer. Unless done in a pressure cooker, you cannot heat anything above 212 F in water. Adding more heat just increases the rate of evaporation, the water doesn't get any hotter.

    There is no need to double boil because oil and water don't mix!!! You just let it boil. After about 40 minutes, use a french press design to press the plant matter to the bottom of the pot. Continue to boil on low heat for another ten or fifteen minutes to allow all of the butter to separate from the plant matter and rise to the surface.

    Then you just let it cool. The butter will form a solid slab on top of the water. If you can't figure out how to make a press, you can just strain the plant matter out and let the water cool. I prefer using the press pot method because none of the butter is wasted, and it is just clean and easy.

    I don't know what you did wrong, but boiling weed with butter definitely works very well. Don't kill your dealer.
  17. What is the smallest amount of Herb you can use for a cannabutter recipe?

    I really want to experiment with this, but im not going buy an ounce, that a ridiculous amount of money spend for some one trying to make butter for the first time.

  18. Since it sounds like you have butter down to a science, would you recommend the crockpot method or not?

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