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Cannabutte variables

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by shalla, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. Ok. I cannot seem to find a cannabutter thread anywhere in any forum to my specific needs.
    I have needs people! :)

    So I see all of these recipes say 1 lb butter to....1 ounce stems, bud, or trimmings.

    now, all of the examples that I see, they use a good amount of quality bud.
    I have nothing but leaves, close trimmings (some real nice ones), and stems.
    I dont see how the same ratio can be used for these items and for bud.

    So question 1. Has anyone just used trimming, leaves, and stems and if so, what ratio did you use and how did it turn out.

    Question 2. When using an ounce. Is this dry weight?
    I threw my trimmings in a bag and into the freezer. There is obviously a lot of water weight.
    I would say that I have about 5 ounces from a 3.5 foot plant.
    I feel that using 5 lbs of butter would just be ridiculous.
    Any suggestions on how much butter I should use with almost 5 ounces of 'wet' trimmings, leaves, and stems?

    Oh, and once it is Cannabutter...will this last a long time?
    I would like to just use it occasionally to spread on toast and crackers!
    Maybe put on top of my pancakes on a Saturday morning. :)
  2. from what ive read, ur supposed to use twice the amount of trim, leaves, and stem than you would with bud
  3. I would dry out the trimmings first. Until you've got stems and leaves that are as dry as you like your bud. Then cook it into the butter.
  4. Do 3 to 4 sticks per your 5 ounce fresh trim, and it will be good and strong.
  5. I've never used stems, but trim from frosty nuggets is good to use. Save the shake from bags and use that sometime.

    It will last as long as butter lasts. I guess it depends on how cold you keep it.
  6. Thanks for the info everyone.
    Do you think leaves and stems have significantly less odor than bud?
    I wont be using any bud or shake.
  7. bumping for the question above. Anyone know if making butter with stems and leaves is will cause less odor than with bud?
    I have a lot of close trimming from manicuring the buds, the fan leaves, and stems.
  8. I don't think using stems and leaves as opposed to bud will significantly affect the smell either way. But when I made the butter we had a window open with a fan going and it didn't smell much at all.

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