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Cannabis: What's the Harm? BBC3

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by KeyMcG, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. Saw this is going to be on tonight on BBC3 at 9pm, might be worth a watch i suppose:

    Ex-EastEnders star James Alexandrou was caught smoking cannabis by the tabloids when he left the soap. Now he wants to find out the truth about the most popular illegal drug in Britain, see the lengths people will go to get it and discover exactly where it comes from.
    In the first of two programmes, James looks at the effects of the drug on the streets of Britain, meeting a 17-year-old who smokes weed with his parents and a mum-of-three who uses cannabis to keep her emotions in check. He meets people who are growing cannabis illegally for themselves and goes out on patrol with a police drug squad as they clamp down on large-scale cannabis growers. He also travels to California, the first state in America to license cannabis for medicinal use.

    Anyone else planning on watching it??

  2. I am now, didnt know this was on thanks man, but i dont think i have BBC 3, do you know if this could be watched online? (google searching)
  3. #3 PeaceMan, Jan 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2011
    never mind just had a look and ive got bbc 3 so i will be watching it on tele to night:smoke:

    p.s heres a preview
  4. I'll deffo be watching it, while taking some big ass bong rips :smoke:
  5. I'll be watching this :smoke:
  6. Thanks for the heads up, I'm going to have to find a way to watch in online, sucks to be the US sometimes.
  7. Got a doobie rolled and waiting
  8. watching the popo bust these houses makes me sad :(
  9. to right, me to!

    pity the poor copper who smells of weed so much afterwards he has to wear old clothes and take loads of showers
  10. this is fucking annoying to watch, they do the typical sob story fulled with crap "OMG IM ADDICTED I CAN'T STOP OMG LIFE IS SHIT SINCE I STARTED" gosh....
  11. tbf, that was actually quite a good prog, there were bits that were anti weed but the bit about california and the ME guy were quite pro i thought. I never knew u could get UK cheese in Berekely haha even if it were one of the cheapest.

    on the whole i'd say deffo not blatent govt propoganda like some ive seen.
  12. yeah like when i was getting annoyed at the sob story shit they showed the california dispensaries ect and the guy with me, but it makes me mad that we don't have medical access to it :/
  13. Did you see that super-pipe that girl had in the shop? fuck!

    The whole situation in the UK is worse than I thought.
  14. i remember watching the how drugs work:marijuana on bbc 3 a week ago. I hate it when they show the people who are like "i need weed to live" and it makes us all look like dicks

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