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cannabis toasty?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by xsmallheartx, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. My question is, would it be possible to make a cannabis toasty.

    Sprinkle the herb on the cheese, put it in a toasty maker.


    but have two pieces of bread and the cheese and herb in the middle, since when I make them, no cheese seems to seep. And when I open the toasty steam comes out, so all the good stuff would remain inside?
  2. If theres plenty of cheese or any other fatty or greasy stuff to absorb the thc, then it would probably work.
  3. mmmmmm you mean like a grilled cheese with weed in the middle? i love grilled cheeses. itll be like using the same concept as a firecracker am i right? idk
  4. if it has the right fats or oils in it then it should work
  5. That should work, and be delicious...:) Edibles require a little more bud than if you were smoking, so don't be shy when adding your herbs. Let us know how it turns out!

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