[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qscNnWhnkRM"]YouTube- Cannabis The Evil Weed? 2009 1of6[/ame] an interesting video series from a documentary from the BBC about Cannabis use. (it's in six parts, all are available to click on site.) this isn't a "GO WEED!!" documentary but don't get up in arms, it's neither a "WEED IS BAD mmmKay!" video. it seems to approach the subject in a rather impartial manner, addressing some very good concerns. some talking points: -this is a very powerful video that if you think about it would support legalization and therefore regulation of Cannabis. it does have some points about the use of weed on the developing brain and how in some cases it could either cause or exacerbate cases of mental illness. (more reason why it should be regulated, keep it out of the hands of those that could be harmed negatively from it.) -it also points out a case of someone that has a very sad and i'd say severe mental addiction to it (can't deny it, there are people that will let Mary Jane rule their lives in a bad manner.) though, wether Cannabis caused it or it became a crutch for that person's ability to deal with an underlying issue is not discussed in detail. -it addresses the Gateway myth (which if you really pay attention, is still a myth after watching that section) and how Marijuana could increase one's tolerance for some other drugs leading them to need more to get their "fix" however, it does not address things such as social pressure, exposure to the harder drugs or the actual will one could have to go to harder drugs (the rats used are kinda forced to use it...) i'd like to hear some of your thoughts... or hey, just watch it. as much as this is a pro-weed site, it doesn't hurt to try and see the other sides which this one does present a bit of.
Good video. I didn't really like how they were showing the guy with addiction, and not going into detail like the rest of the segments. This guy obviousally has no will power, and is just a weak person who cant handle his weed.
yeah... i'd wonder if the guy is getting help with his depression (it's plainly obvious for one that knows what to look for that he has it) or if he's just sitting at home, smoking pot and blaming the weed for his ills. though, his story is a valid one and does actually put more into the "legalize and regulate it" argument... if it was regulated then he could have an easier time getting the help he needs and not having to worry about being stigmatized as a common criminal. hell, just look at the state of substance abuse programs in Amsterdam.
If you're a weak enough person to get addicted to weed then you better not eat fast food because you're gonna get addicted to that shit to.
This documentary tries to give the impression that it is totally objective. It is not. The video obsesses about the marijuana-schizophrenia link which has not been proven. In fact there is evidence that shows there is no link between cannabis and the onset of schizophrenia, check out this website for more on that. It also claims that marijuana is addictive and that the psychological addiction is on par with heroin addiction. That is absurd. Marijuana has been proven to be less addictive and less reinforcing than coffee. (LINK) In the closing statement the presenter lectures on the subtle dangers of marijuana and basically cites amotivation syndrome (also a myth) as the primary concern. To the documentary's credit it denounces gateway theory and shows that marijuana has long history of human use. Parts of it were entertaining but the general message is that marijuana use will sneak up to slowly destroy your life. This video says marijuana causes schizophrenia, amotivation syndrome and addiction. It does so in a subtle way which is ironic.