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Cannabis Quality

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by AleR, Feb 1, 2014.

  1. So I've been smoking for a looong time now but I still don't understand these little hipster terms to describe quality.

    I don't understand why people can't describe their bud quality in three different ways...
    -High Grade
    -Medium Grade
    -Low Grade

    Instead I hear a bunch of other bs ways to describe marijuana witch I don't get for example...
    -Schwag (is this even a fucking word?)
    -dank (probably the only one I understand)

    I'm sure there's more. But why make it so damn complex? To me it sounds like a bunch of bs words that dealers use to make their product sound more "cool" to a new buyer but in the end it's low grade. I've personally never heard any of my dealers use any of them terms instead they describe their bud to me as medium grade without all that extra bs on the side. Where did these terms come from?
  2. #2 XCITED, Feb 1, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2014
    Kush is not used to describe quality, its just weed that is Indica dominant. (Opposite to Haze, which is sativa dominant).
    However to answer your question, people describe cannabis quality in many different ways there is no accepted format. It would be easier to decide on one simple format and stick by it but people (such as you, no offence) are often misinformed about which phrases are used to describe weed quality.
    The whole, schwag, reggie, mids to dank lineup is very simple once you understand what they mean. Plus it is probably the most accepted group of terms in the majority of the western world.
  3. [quote name="XCITED" post="19446380" timestamp="1391250542"]Kush is not used to describe quality, its just weed that is Indica dominant. (Opposite to Haze, which is sativa dominant).However to answer your question, people describe cannabis quality in many different ways there is no accepted format. It would be easier to decide on one simple format and stick by it but people (such as you, no offence) are often misinformed about which phrases are used to describe weed quality.The whole, schwag, reggie, mids to dank lineup is very simple once you understand what they mean. Plus it is probably the most accepted group of terms in the majority of the western world.[/quote]Ya but as much as it is an incorrect term for quality it is still used as slang for good qualify
  4. Because for a long fuckin time cannabis culture wasn't a regulated, legitimate industry, and thus no standard terms came into being. Now with dispensaries you are starting to see some unification, with top shelf, middle shelf, bottom shelf. As long as something is illegal, there's gonna be a million different ways to talk about it and things to call it. 
  5. [quote name="SantiagoDunbar420" post="19447199" timestamp="1391271993"]Because for a long fuckin time cannabis culture wasn't a regulated, legitimate industry, and thus no standard terms came into being. Now with dispensaries you are starting to see some unification, with top shelf, middle shelf, bottom shelf. As long as something is illegal, there's gonna be a million different ways to talk about it and things to call it. [/quote]This. You obviously haven't been smoking toooo long or you would be familiar with these very NOT 'hipster' words. If anything the 'hipster' ones would be "top shelf, bottom shelf, etc"--------------------------------------- Smoke On! c(o.oc)
  6. Sorry dude but I don't understand at all. I'm not talking about what's "hipster" or not, I'm just saying the reason there are so many different things people call bud is because there is no formal system for it. If all alcohol was homemade, there would be a bunch of weird words describing the quality of it. Because it's not, there's a formal system and alcohol is ranked by ABV or proof. All I'm sayin is if bud had been regulated and not black market for the last 100 years or so, the standard words would probably be top middle or bottom shelf. 
  7. #7 Pogmoney, Feb 1, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2014
    [quote name="SantiagoDunbar420" post="19448006" timestamp="1391282485"]Sorry dude but I don't understand at all. I'm not talking about what's "hipster" or not, I'm just saying the reason there are so many different things people call bud is because there is no formal system for it. If all alcohol was homemade, there would be a bunch of weird words describing the quality of it. Because it's not, there's a formal system and alcohol is ranked by ABV or proof. All I'm sayin is if bud had been regulated and not black market for the last 100 years or so, the standard words would probably be top middle or bottom shelf. [/quote]I was addressing OP sry. Just quoted cause I agreed with you, because there was no formal system those words were created and now that mj is progressing even dank can be categorized into high/medium/low grade. Hopefully in the future schwag and mids will be a thing of the past.--------------------------------------- Smoke On! c(o.oc)
  8. Oh shit dude my bad misread lol. 
  9. ^_^ np my first post was pretty confusing lol. I had just finished my wake n baking o_O--------------------------------------- Smoke On! c(o.oc)
  10. Kids say the darnedest things.
  11. :confused_2: :confused_2: Who cares what they call it thats like getting mad at someone for saying busting up a nug vs breaking up a nug vs grinding vs etc  etc etc
    fuckin squid. :bongin:

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