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Cannabis Legalization Essay? Problems?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by m3t4lm4n222, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. #1 m3t4lm4n222, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2011
    So in my Language Arts class, we have to write a paper, it could be about anything. So I spent about an hour on this, do you think this could get me in trouble? (Senior, High School) Would it give school officials the right to search me? (I always keep a 1 hitter on me, hidden in a Hi-Lighter) Would it give them any reason to start giving me troubles?

    Cannabis (Also known as Marijuana) Legalization in America is a hot topic these days. Some argue it should be legal, others argue it should remain illegal, both groups have their reasons. In this essay, I am going to express my thoughts on the subject of cannabis legalization and why I believe cannabis should be legalized.

    My first reason on why I believe cannabis should be legalized is for its medical benefits. It has been proven that Cannabis has a large amount medicinal properties and uses, in fact, it can help deal with so many problems, I can't list them all. While medical marijuana is legal in 15 states (Washington State included) medical professionals have to be careful who they prescribe the Marijuana to because the substance is still illegal and since its illegal, it has street value. Since marijuana is still illegal some of the people who could benefit from medical marijuana cannot get access to it. Marijuana is also quite possibly one of the safest “medicines” that exists, because believe it or not, there are absolutely no deaths tied directly to marijuana use. Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs (Such as Asprin) on the other hand kill over 7,600 people per year. Does it make sense that something so safe, with so much medical value is illegal, while drugs such as Asprin can be bought by just about anyone?

    Another reason why I believe cannabis should be legalized is because it would bring in large amounts of money to the American Economy. Not only that, but if marijuana where to be legalized it would reduce the flow of money from the American economy to international criminal gangs. Marijuana's illegality makes foreign cultivation and smuggling to the United States extremely profitable. This in turn sends billions of dollars overseas in an underground economy while diverting funds from productive economic development. Not only that, but it could potentially end the “War on Drugs” which would save even more money. Since when is improving the American economy and ending a war a bad thing?

    My final reason for supporting cannabis legalization is that Marijuana is harmless. It is an established scientific fact that marijuana is not toxic to humans. As I stated earlier, there are absolutely 0 deaths tied directly to the use of marijuana. On the other hand, tobacco kills over 435,000 people annually and its 100% legal to use once your 18 years old and Alcohol kills over 85,000 annually and its 100% legal to use once your 21 years old. It is unfair and unjust to treat marijuana users more harshly under the law than the users of alcohol or tobacco when it hurts absolutely no one.

    So those are my reasons why I believe cannabis should be legalized in the United States. If this doesn't open your eyes, I don't know what will.
  2. I love the subject matter but the actual essay is bland
    come on dude, you can get more creative than just stating facts and opinions, throw some stoner shit in there that will make your teacher laugh and then he'll definitely give you 100
  3. lol shitty essay or not a nice dank nug shud do the trick getting you a 100.
  4. Its a woman and shes not the type that laughs at things, trust me.

    Throwing in 'Stoner shit' would end up making the essay less factual and end up getting me in trouble in the long run don't you think? Wouldn't it be more effective to just state the facts and stay away from bullshit..? Make it seem like I don't smoke, but that I simply looked up the facts?
  5. #5 sublimesun, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2011
    i would mention decriminalization before legalization. just me.
    edit: ur a h.s. senior. nevermind.fuck that paper
  6. Decent essay, a little bland. Maybe just lengthen it up and add some things other than just straight-up facts.

    On a side note, the only thing holding me back from writing an essay like this is that my school is super strict and could suspend someone for something like this.

    It depends on the teacher, though. Just don't take the pipe for a while and all they could really do is "Talk to you." You're 18, so they shouldn't be able to do shit to you.
  7. I have found that even after giving people all the facts about marijuana they usually just reply with "Well you can make statistics look any way you want". If you say something about how its fundamentally wrong for the government to not allow people to make there own decisions or something you might get a better grade.
  8. Unless it is a narrative ( which it is not), you should never use personal pronouns; (I, me). Also, avoid using the term, "In this essay...". I'm not trying to be a jerk or anything, but imo conventions are the base for every essay. Without good conventions, your essay won't look nice and therefore lessens the strength of your facts.
  9. Definately not. In my english class we are assigned a persuasive essay. I was gonna do the legalization of marijuana but someone in my class already took it. My prof. is fine with it

  10. yea this is basically what i was going to add. it's a decent essay but i wouldn't say it's very "cleanly" written if that makes sense. i'm not sure i would end paragraphs with questions for example. also i might add a little more, like some of the specific things marijuana can be used for medically.
  11. I wrote a research paper on Cannabis in High School for an AP class. I got an A :cool:
    But my instructor was extremely open-minded, otherwise I definitely wouldn't have done it.
  12. You can't use personal pronouns like I in an essay

    Just sayin'
  13. I was told I was the best debater in my high school, never did it outside of class though even though many teachers and students thought I should join debate club. There are two types of thinkers imo, one being logical and the other emotional. When you are trying to persuade people, you dont know how they think. So, you have to have logical appeals about numbers and stats, as well at emotional appeals such as opinions and stories (watch any Michael Moore documentary for a good example of emotion appeal). Even though you wanted to just give facts you have to tend to peoples emotional side.

    Also, your teacher is going to assume you do mj. Why would a non-smoker write a paper on mj? They might, but the teacher will still assume they smoke... Freedom of speech is nice to back you up because there is no evidence you are doing anything illegal. BUT schools are above the law in many cases so hide your stuff just in case. If you think their if ever going to be a situation, hide your stuff. Don't chance getting caught, its so much easier/cheaper to do the just in case.

    Depending on the size of your school, mine was 2000, every English teacher gets a many papers of mj all the time, so don't sweet it. Once you get older you will realize there are a lot more elder people who smoke than you think.

    Good luck for the A!
  14. also shouldnt use "is" makes ur sentences weak. just sayin'
    and if you go to a public school you should be fine.
  15. If you're serious about this essay then you should have in-text referencing from good research.
    Also don't use words like I, or me.
    Keep your emotions out of it and remain objective

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