Cannabis Kills Brain Cancer Cells, According to Study

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by The Grasscity Post, Sep 13, 2013.

  1. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation found that THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) – a prime component of cannabis - can kill brain cancer cells by causing them to self-digest.
    Researchers for the study examined mice subjects which were implanted with human cancer cells, as well as several human subjects with brain tumors, and found that THC causes brain cancer cells to undergo a process called autophagy; according to WebMD, autophagy is the “breakdown of a cell that occurs when the cell essentially self-digests.”
    “These results may help to design new cancer therapies based on the use of medicines containing the active principle of marijuana and/or in the activation of autophagy,” says Guillermo Velasco, co-author of the study.
    Researchers found no negative effect associated with the THC administered to the subjects of the study, which was published originally in 2009 and was conducted by researchers at Complutense University in Spain.

  2. Someone somewhere knows exactly what cannabis can do if used correctly, maybe they found out it cured just about every disease on the planet when used in certain forms and at correct doses. 
    Something must of happened years ago, someone must of been cured at some point and then cannabis was then to be deemed to powerful and to beneficial for the common man to use, having this sort of medicine at his disposal was not what the powers that be wanted and so it began........THE HATE present date.
    And so started the beginning of the end in November 2012, two states legalize cannabis and the rest will follow suit.
    I dont suppose we will ever find out who found out what when cannabis was demonized in the 1960's, but, the truth will continue to spread across the land and eventually full scale global legalization will be upon us.
    Thanks for these posts, they have been very informative recently.
  3.  I found a video that talks about how Mary Jane was used by the doctors In the 1800's to about the 1920's. It was then that they started making pills to treat illnesses so they turn on her. The video Is kind of long but If you want to see It The link Is In my article. I found the video to be very neat and interesting too.
  4. ohhhhhh weed.... :love:
  5. As if I needed MORE reasons to smoke lol thanks for the good read/news!

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