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Cannabis induced psychosis

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by CrazEpharmacist, Apr 11, 2011.

  1. #1 CrazEpharmacist, Apr 11, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2011
  2. when you feel relaxed, hungry, sometimes paranoid

  3. Yo come on seriously. I just wanna make sure. Cause weed always makes me think about shit and feel disconnected with reality. I just wanna make sure I'm not gonna have Shizo later on in life.
  4. You didn't have a psychotic high more than likely. You got high. :p

    LOL thats what weed does, MAKES YOU THINK ABOUT SHIT...sometimes...other times you laugh crazily.
  5. Similar to a cocaine psychosis.
  6. Psychosis is when you lose your sense of reality and become delusional. Make sure somebody did not lace a joint or something because that can really mess you up in the long run. If you are losing your mind you will not be able to sleep and will become extremely paranoid early on. Eventually you will have a full loss of reality.

  7. if you dont have a family history of schizophrenia, the chances of that are very, very slim.
  8. Psychosis is a condition brought on by cannabis. There is no psychosis inducing weed

  9. I like this answer
  10. Yeah even a little delusional doesn't mean you are having a "psychotic high"

    I get delusional sometime when I'm high, it's more like paranoia, but really it's the reality distortion that makes it seem like it's delusional.
  11. I've experienced psychosis from marijuana once. That article is both informative and terrifying to me. I really don't want to live the rest of my life like I was the morning it happened. It was indescribable, but I do remember it pretty well. Sitting on a curb after taking the biggest hit of my life, of the best marijuana I've ever smoked. First came the paranoia, I convinced myself that my friends had stolen my phone for drug money, I then found it 20 minutes later and realized.. This wasn't going to be good.

    After that, It was beyond awful. I couldn't form a sentence, I tried to sleep it off, but everytime I closed my eyes, I could see all my friends like my eyes were Open and I thought they were talking to me, turns out i just had my eyes closed talking to myself for over 30 minutes. Then once I opened my eyes I couldn't tell whether or not I was awake so I would ask my friends every 30 seconds if they could hear me.

    There's a lot more, like when I went through loops of confusion, and when I hallucinated that I was standing up over my body watching myself. I always just thought it was a fluke, I hope nothing develops further such as schizophrenia.. Although my paranoia is getting progressively worse. Fuck.
  12. meh that's trumped up scare tactic way to describe.. sure pot has risks.. pros outweigh the cons for alot of ppl..
  13. Honestly man, as terrifying as that sounds, it just sounds like you have pretty bad paranoia/anxiety to me.

    I've convinced myself many a times while high I was going batshit insane, or I had something wrong with me, but really it was just a panic attack getting the best of me.

    I think you just had a really severe panic attack. :wave:
  14. #15 Arizer, Apr 11, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2011
    Depersonalization is rather common for some smokers. Unless you start hearing voices consistently (or one really bad episode), start having intense hallucinations or suicidal/homicidal thoughts you're very unlikely to have psychosis.
    But yes, it can trigger mental illnesses earlier in life than if you weren't to smoke.

    The problem is not knowing until it happens. Mental illness is genetic, and even if you have an aunt or uncle who is bipolar, you're at risk for not necessarily only BPD, but also susceptible to other disorders at well. So do some basic genealogy, as it can be a serious consideration, and if you already do smoke and learn of bad family health then it's strongly suggested to stop it all together.
  15. Which in my opinion if it does, it should be embraced, not looked at as necessarily a bad thing. :smoke:
  16. #17 Layers429, Apr 11, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    That could be true, it really could and yes my paranoia and anxiety are beyond crippling, but I have never experienced something as delusional and life changing as that. I also experienced something really weird, my whole persona crumbled, I had no more pride, or ego. It was a crazy feeling.
  17. You can't just develop schizophrenia because you smoked weed, if you don't have a family history chances are your fine and just being paranoid.
  18. sounds like depersonalization man. I'm no doctor, but I think it just brought a new perspective to your life, which is anxiety, which is usually the cause of depersonalization. After having a panic attack for my first time while high, I thought I was forever changed. But when I look back on it, it made me realize that I have been having panic attacks my whole life, I just never knew what it was. And now I do.

    And trust me bro, if you are going schizo, you will most likely be non aware of going insane. They usually think they are perfectly normal in severe cases. At least that's what I heard.

  19. I believe so too. How is having different perceptions and different ways of processing things and mind expansion a 'disorder.' I don't believe this, just because someone understands things differently doesn't make it wrong, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It's just interesting

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