Cannabis in a greenhouse optimization

Discussion in 'Greenhouses' started by CaptainSto, Jun 10, 2020.

  1. Hello

    I share with you my little plants that I put in a greenhouse about a month and a half ago.

    I'm trying to get the biggest crop possible.

    I inquired about the mulch a little too late unfortunately.

    Here they are in pictures.

    Plant 1:


    Plant 2:


    Plant 1, I practiced the heading on the main apex and I pinch it now so that it does not touch the ceiling and I spread the low stems to make them take more light.

    Plant 2, I practice paling, I put it down a little while ago and try to put it down a little more every day. I didn't pinch any apex on this one.

    So I'm waiting for your advice, what do I need to do to further improve the yield of my plants?

    PS: I'm French, I apologize for my English

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