Cannabis effect on undeveloped brains?

Discussion in 'General' started by JuanS, Mar 5, 2015.

  1. #1 JuanS, Mar 5, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 5, 2015
    Hey, some of you may have seen me around the forum and can attest that I've never said anything bad about the consumption of Cannabis or anything like that. I personally vape every day and am in no way trying to spread any kind of false propaganda.
    However, I need some doubts clarified. I read something about long-term effects of heavy marijuana usage on people under the age of 25-30 (both on the intellect and on emotional development) and I became worried, since I'm 19 and have been using it for almost a year with no plans to stop.
    Does anyone have any information on the veracity of this claims? Can anyone point me to any serious medical studies that prove that there is/isn't in fact a long-term harmful effect? 
    Thank you for your time.
    (Granny Storm Crow I need you)

    By "regular marijuana use" she means as infrequently as once a week.  The evidence is pretty clear that it does affect cognitive function in teens and young adults, and negatively so.  I've told my kids that 25 is a good age, if they want to try it.

    Your brain is still developing, into your early 20s.  And cannabis changes the structure of your brain in ways that can affect you poorly for decades.
    One of the studies cited is a longitudinal study of over 1000 people, that follows them from birth to age 38.

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