Cannabis Debate on Facebook, interesting...

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by CurtChronic, Oct 6, 2010.

  1. Backstory: This guy and I used to be good friends back in high school. This was back when I didn't drink or smoke weed, in fact, back then I was against everything. We were in a metal band together for a long time, and good friends. I was in his wedding, he in mine. Our friendship started to change when he cheated on his wife and started acting shady. After his divorce he got engaged to another chick and they had a kid together, I was casual friends with this girl back in school but as a couple they are awkward and both have changed for the worse. She also has a kid from another guy and he has a kid from his ex-wife (the kid was the reason they got married to begin with). A few months ago we had a big debate about gay marriage...he thinks gay marriage is wrong and a bad environment for kids (but broken homes are fine apparently), and he thinks homosexuality is a handicap.

    In this, he gets pretty upset, especially when I bring up a news article about his second DUI. By the way, he is saying he would support tobacco and alcohol legalization for effect, to try and prove a point (that's the type of guy he is, his opinions and statements contradict each other from one conversation to the next, depends on how relevant it is to the topic at hand), but he still drink alcohol and smokes tobacco.

    Facebook wouldn't display all of the posts for some reason, here are the first few:

    Eric: So what

    Curtis: What do you mean by "So what"?

    Eric: Weed shmeed. Weed is lame

    Curtis: Yeah, you're right, screw medicine that can actually help people, including people with breast cancer. We should all encourage people to take pharmaceutical medications with horrible side effects. Especially, chemo therapy, we all no there aren't horrible side effects to that!

    Eric: I picture a bunch of stoners trying to justify there lameness by saying it might stop breast cancer dude.... Fucking lame .... seriously .. even cyanide has its benefits ... and even water can b toxic ...

    Curtis: Educate yourself, there are a lot of people out there who support cannabis as a medicine that don't even use it themselves. And yes, water can be toxic. However, there have been no deaths from cannabis use alone, in the history of its known use.

    "In strict medical terms marijuana is far safer than many
    foods we commonly consume. For example, eating ten raw potatoes can
    result in a toxic response. By comparison, it is physically impossible
    to eat enough marijuana to induce death."

  2. that was painful to read... it's like Eric likes getting owned. good stuff
  3. Your Friend Eric seems very committed to his ignorance. Its clear that reason will not dissuade him because he views any dissenting opinion as a personal attack.

    Theres not much you can do with people like this. They won't listen to reason because they've closed their minds. The reality is ignorance is comfortable.
  4. thats alot of reading.....
  5. Yeah, that's exactly why I said this part:

    "As far as your thoughts on how you're never wrong. You are, everyone is wrong sometime. It's a beautiful thought, perfection, but neither of us are perfect and it's not healthy to act like you are never wrong, because then you forfeit the opportunity to learn something new. There is no sense in being stubborn."
  6. comon man, what do you expect? can i safely say you had to be a "badass" to try weed? i mean comon..its not like it was soda or beer that you can find.. it was all hush hush meet here at this time or always so low key in the beginning..i always thought for my friend that that's what he grew up into watching so weed was definately a huge red cone in his life when i represented it to him. i just think he's lived in a family where the parents have told him too many times he was correct and he just lived like everyday he was correct no matter what..yup

    but nice closing post hahaa
  7. Read the whole thing, damn, that guy is dumb as fuck? Anyone who read that can see you had him owned the entire time, yet he acts like everyone else reading would be siding with him. What a fucking dipshit, post full name so we can flood inbox.
  8. dudes pissed at you for posting a link to all of yours/his friends to see. They all probably already knew anyway.

    its public
  9. Wow.

    THere's no use, some people believe the bullshit.

    You both have points so its just a spinning circle.:devious:
  10. sorry not gonna read all that.
  11. then why post?
  12. He got so pissed when he saw you post that "drunk driving" article of him. LOL
  13. Your friends an asshole, I have friends like that and this makes me want to go kick there teeth in!
  14. It's okay, I'm not putting a gun to your head. ;)

    I just don't feel like I can call him a friend's not just this, it's just the way things have changed over the years. The last couple discussions/debates/arguments/whatever you want to cal them, have been the final nails in the coffin. His attitude disgusts me, his ego (which was bad when we were in a band together, but much worse these days) is intolerable and his lack of empathy and concern for himself and no one else is the exact opposite of the way I live my life. I am not a medical cannabis patient, I am in it for the patients....not myself. Sure, I obviously support full scale legalization...but how can your response to "Cannabis Compound May Stop Breast Cancer From Spreading" be "So What"? :mad:
  15. I skimmed it and saw your friend say "PLADIBO," then I decided it wasn't worth reading the entire thing because I assume you trounced him
  16. He was all talking about how he never disrespected you, and then went on to call you a worthless slob :metal:
  17. Good read. Your friend Eric seems so ingnorant its not even funny. You had some good arguments and kept coming with facts, while he would just repeat his argument of its not good for you.
  18. Like the Richey guy.. added some nice flair.

    Oh, and your friend sounds like he's never attended school.
  19. #19 livelaughlearn, Oct 6, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 6, 2010
    you won the instant eric started calling you names lol.
    your friend is still a dumbass though.
    tell him to stop driving his car because it releases fumes in the air. air that i breathe in!

    oh yea, he got 2 DUI's already? him saying "i wont do it again" doesn't change shit. i dont think he learned his lesson the 1st time around.

    edit: gimmi his last name so we can all bash his teeth all over his facebook
  20. I'm really not interested in doing that, man. Not my style to start unnecessary drama like that. It's much easier to completely eject him from my life and just not have to deal with his ego issues.

    But thanks for pulling for me and wanting to fuck with him. :smoke:

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