Cannabis Cultivator: A Step-By-Step Guide to Growing Marijuana (Paperback)

Discussion in 'Books on Growing Cannabis' started by Superjoint, Feb 22, 2009.

  1. #1 Superjoint, Feb 22, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 20, 2013

    Cannabis Cultivator: A Step-By-Step Guide to Growing Marijuana[​IMG]

    Product Description
    Cannabis Cultivator demystifies the subject of growing pot by treating it as though it were conventional gardening. Clear, step-by-step instructions guide readers through everything from setting up the garden to the supplies needed to which systems work best. Whether growing indoors or out, starting with seedlings or clones, using hydroponic or organic systems, Jeff Ditchfield’s lively, jargon-free writing provides all the answers budding growers need. Lavish photography brings the entire process to life, from propagation to curing a harvest.

    Cannabis Cultivator: A Step-By-Step Guide to Growing Marijuana[​IMG]
  2. Just picked this book up yesterday... has some pretty good info in it. Keeps it real basic, and has lots of pics. I think this is a great place to start when trying to grow. It starts from the very beginning, and helps you all the way through.
  3. someone post the pdf so we dont have to pay lol

  4. I'm glad you liked it, the book is aimed at the complete novice. I attempted 'KISS' Keep It Simple for Stoners :D and as a simple person that's the way I like it

    Jeff Ditchfield
  5. just ordered this!
  6. Got the book anyone purchased seeds from lowryder cannabis seeds? Are they cool ect....
  7. I'm in the process of doing this
  8. how did the purchase go?
  9. First post :hello:
  10. #10 CommieNerd, May 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Just purchased this book because I'm at a complete loss as to what went wrong. Hopefully I will get it soon!
  11. Jeff, thank you so much for writing this book. This answers many of the questions I would come to the forum and ask. Guys, its worth the small fee he is charging.
  12. awesome book. i finished it 2 nights ago. covers all the basics
  13. Just purchased. Looking forward to it. Thanks! :smoke:
  14. It is a good book, very informative for the novice and wont confuse you too much
  15. yea good book sat in borders and read it 4 3 hours

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