Cannabis Careers?`

Discussion in 'General' started by DuNN, Apr 3, 2011.

  1. Hey blades, how you all doin?
    I'm a second semester freshman at NIU and right now im declared as a Biology major but i would really like to work with marijuana as a career. I would like to either start my own dispensary or something like that, or research the effects of marijuana. I could try to get my doctorate but I am not sure if thats the route i wanna take.
    Do u guys have any ideas on what i could major in like botany or agriculture or any future careers working with marijuana?
  2. opening a dispensary would be the shit, giving people there medicine and getting ripped all day like chubbs
  3. Drug dealing would be the first obvious one to come to mind. I guess smoking weed all day counts as a career if you try hard enough. :rolleyes:

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