So I did post this in the Tokers Q & A but it didn't get much attention and I don't think it really belonged there, so I moved it to here. Hope that is okay. Okay, so I've been interested in the effects of water filtration on Cannabis smoke. I've been smoking nothing but basically bowls for the past 2 years and smoking cigs. Recently I have been trying to take care of my lungs by quitting tobacco and not smoking blunts like crazy and what not. So now I'm thinking of replacing my bowl I blaze with daily with an easy to carry around bubbler for water filtration. So my question(s) is, what is your experience with water filtration? In bongs and bubblers does it actually filter out the bad plant matter? Does it get you higher or take away the THC and do you feel less of a high? Are there any downsides with water filtration? Just give me some facts from experience or studies. I'm more interested in bubbler experiences then bongs, since I have a bong but it just isn't as easy to take around with me like a bubbler will be. Oh and also, I know a vape is the easiest way to take care of your lungs. I had one but the thing fucking broke and I can't afford a new good one till I save more money after working in my full time job and can buy a great one. So for now, I'm interested in water filtration.