Cannabis aid in weight loss?

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by Feel Good Inc, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. I have a thread about my weight loss, over 50 lbs in a year or so...

    But I got to thinking. When I started this lifestyle change in diet, around that time I started to toke daily. Now we don't know everything there is to know about how cannabis effects us.
    But does daily use help regulate weight? Some people say MJ increases metabolism.
    But what MJ does (for most) is to relieve stress. Now if stress causes the body to keep weight on, and Mj helps to relieve stress= bye bye fat?

    What do you think/know?:smoke:
  2. Also claims to increase testosterone.

    Nice transformation man
  3. THC has some stimulative properties that could increase metabolism temporarily.

    Also, its not uncommon for heavier smokers to lose their appetite when their not high. so, overall even though you may munch out sometimes, your eating less over time.

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