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Cannabis after effects?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Marrijane420, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. Hey GC! I just wanted to ask if anyone else has had changes in there life when sober? For example: whenever I smoke, vaporize, or have edibles I get a great sense of well being even when sober! I love cannabis:smoke:
  2. man weed has made an awesome differance in my life lol i love life more especially when i am high everything is better with weed
  3. Yeah, I seem to get myself more motivated as I set a goal of working hard to enjoy a few bowls in the evening.
  4. I've seen more effects on my life when sober than high, In a good way.

    I can't even get close to explaining it becuase it honestly puzzles me, but I look at the world in diffrent way now, respect everybody, and relaize that everything is beautiful in it's own way.

  5. this. Buttery just explained exactly how I feel :smoke:
  6. Well when I'm coming down from a high I usually experience mental clarity and a general well-being. But if I smoke too much mids or low quality bud sometimes the next day I feel "hungover". Like just completely shot and all I want to do is sleep.

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