
Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by mokepot, Oct 24, 2006.

  1. yea i was reading somewhere that it said the higher the cannabinoid percentage in the plant, then the more it makes the weed chilled out, is this true? like what i'm saying is thc causes the anxiety, but i read if it has a high cannabinoid percentage then it combats the side effects of the thc, can anyone confirm this for me? and tell me some strains that do have a fair share of cannabinoids? also i was wondering how can u check how much n-p-k is in nuted soil? like i know you can use a tds meter to see the level of nutes but that is showing it in a combined form, so how and is there a way to see the individual values that are in the nuted soil, to make sure it has what it needs? thanks for any help...:smoking:
  2. THC is a cannabinoid. I think what you are actually refering to is that sativa strains have high levels of THC and lower levels of CBD, whereas indica strains have high levels of THC and high levels of CBD.

    Sativa = THC+low CBD = heady high feeling
    Indica = THC+high CBD = heavy stoned feeling

  3. You can´t. Not unless you are a well equipped analytical chemist.
  4. Sometimes it says right on the bag. But as has been stated on this forum several million times, don't use nuted soil. Throw it away and get some pure organic without ferts, and then not only will you know the answer but you'll know you have the right answer: 0-0-0.

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