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Cannabinoid Research(THC, CBD, CBN...)

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Nug420, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. Marijuana And Cannabinoids (THC, CBD, CBN...)

    Read this high, blew my mind. I like the parts about CBN and THC and how they effect our highs.

    "High levels of THC and low levels of CBD contribute to a strong, clear headed, more energetic high.Cannabis that has a high level of both THC and CBD will produce a strong head-stone that feels almost dreamlike. Cannabis that has low levels of THC and high levels of CBD produces more of a stoned feeling. The mind feels dull and the body feels tired"

    Sounds like Indica and Sativa Bud. One has a head high(Sativa) other causes that couch lock stoned high(Indica).
  2. THis is why I can't WAIT until the guys with their fancy complicated Gas Chromatograph machines start testing collective strains and publishing the results. It's coming too, there's already guys in the Bay Area figuring out the exact contents of strains. It will be SWEET.
  3. #4 Nug420, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2010
    I also want to add that CBD research for cancer cells seems to be very slim but I have read that

    "In November 2007 it was reported that CBD reduces growth of aggressive human breast cancer cells in vitro and reduces their invasiveness. It thus represents the first non-toxic exogenous agent that can lead to down-regulation of tumor aggressiveness.[7][8] It is also a neuroprotective antioxidant.[9]"

    Found this on wikipedia, so I can't trust the information completely. But I will say that it is something interesting that we should research. Too bad our country is ran by greedy bastards who rather make money of prescription drugs that have dangerous side effects.

    One more link about schizophrenia and how THC may be the cause for it in some people, but CBN in cannabis can negate these effects and quite possibly reverse them. Almost you could say, balancing the cannabis to not be harmful to the brain at all:
  4. i wonder how this could relate to any of the JWH compounds because since using jwh I have had a overall sense of well being and better health compared to organic cannabis
  5. I recently acquired a GC-MassSpec for the same reason, to test weed strains grown by medical growers. Finding a reliable, consistent method that is cheap enough to run lots of samples through from the same plant is the hard part. There are a few methods out there that dont use mass spectroscopy, but these do not identify other contaminants as easily. My goal is to produce weed like any other drug, where the exact ingredients are written on the back of the bottle. And the only figures I see in the comercial markets do not include any important statistics like standard deviation of the percentages, which very quite a bit even just at a different possition on the same nug, so it would be nice to educate people about these things.
  6. Demonballer - that's awesome...good luck with that. I know there's dudes in the Bay Area doing the same, and have the same issues.

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