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Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by delebit, Feb 20, 2016.

  1. So I've been smoking marijuana for about 2 years now. After a little over a year of smoking I was smoking 2-3 times a day, 7 days a week, and began having Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome symptoms. At the time I was unaware of CHS, but I decided to take a break thinking it might've been causing my symptoms, and wanted to take a tolerance break anyway. My symptoms eventually went away, but I also had gone off a medication I was taking that might've caused my symptoms.

    A few months later I revisited marijuana, and eventually my symptoms came back. Now knowing about CHS, I found it odd that generally people get CHS after smoking for much longer than I have. I kept digging into it and found out synthetic marijuana can cause CHS but at a much faster rate. Now, I'm a legal medical marijuana user in California, and always buy from dispensaries. I realized that my symptoms started around the time I started buying a particular dispensaries pre-rolled joints, so I've continued smoking marijuana, but stopped smoking their pre-rolls. My CHS symptoms went away very quickly.

    My question is, do you guys think it's a possibility that my local dispensary was cutting their joints with synthetic marijuana to save money? If someone were to do that, I'd think they'd do it to joints. Is there any way I can get 100% proof as to whether or not they were selling me fake weed? I don't want to risk accusing a dispensary of something like this without knowing for sure, as I would feel terrible going down that road if they really weren't doing anything wrong. On the other hand if they're selling synthetic marijuana to people who need it for legitimate medical use, such as epilepsy or cancer treatment, then they can rot in prison for all I care. Any thoughts or suggestions would be much appreciated.

    TLDR: I think my CHS symptoms might be caused by synthetic marijuana and I want proof.
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  2. I can't speak for the dispensaries where you are. Here, on the west coast, a dispensary doing that would be in a lot of trouble. Also, again not knowing about dispensaries where you are, weed is dirt cheap for a dispensary to stock, and buying synthetic marijuana would actually increase their costs. So again, doesn't make any sense. And a dispensary doesn't have to do that. It's not a shitty drug dealer on the corner. It should have lab tested weed with a declaration of THC and CBD content, so mixing in synthetic doesn't even begin to make sense. And one last thing, usually you buy buds at a dispensary, and synthetic weed is generally chopped.

    Do you eat when you get stoned? For some people weed cuts off the feeling of being full, and they basically eat themselves sick. Of course since they're high, they don't realize this is what just happened. They just know they ate something, and now need to vomit it up (because they're literally that fucking stuffed of food)

  3. Interesting, I had heard synthetic marijuana is cheaper but I'm not sure if that was referring to dispensaries or illegal marijuana. A lot of the marijuana in my area isn't lab tested, and because I was buying pre-rolled joints the weed was already ground up. I usually eat stoned, but not in excess. I don't normally have enough snacks around for that xD. When I was experiencing my CHS symptoms, I actually wouldn't even get the munchies sometimes. I had hardly any appetite what so ever, sometimes even stoned.

  4. The only evidence that would mean anything is if you took one of those joints and had it tested at a lab to see what was in it. You'd find out for sure, one way or the other then.


  5. That's what I was thinking, but the marijuana testing labs I've seen require a grower's license or something. I was also thinking of smoking one and taking a synthetic marijuana drug test, but they can't detect all types of synthetic marijuana, and I'm unsure if regular marijuana would cause a positive result as well.
  6. #6 Rosered, Apr 29, 2016
    Last edited: May 14, 2016
  7. Tell him to stop smoking or pay for his own medical bills. If he has this and keeps smoking, it's going to keep happening. If he has this and stops smoking, it's going to stop happening. That's the only way it can be ruled out or figured to be the cause. If he's unwilling to do stop (and it sounds like it is) you need to learn the hard lesson and walk away. He is an adult and if weed makes him sicks, but he continues to use, there's nothing you can do and the bills will continue to pile up.
  8. #8 Rosered, Apr 29, 2016
    Last edited: May 14, 2016
  9. If it isn't synthetic cannabinoids, and you aren't sensitive to particular terpenes, it could be the pesticide that was being used on their weed. People are saying azadirachtin exposure could be the cause of some hyperemesis linked to smoking cannabis and taking RSO.

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