Canna Bio/Canna Terra

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by MKSmoke, Sep 18, 2010.

  1. Alright so I'm confused with the biocanna line. What's the difference between Terra Vega/Terra Flores and Bio Vega/Bio Flores?
  2. I don't use that line, but I would guess that one is for vegetation, and one is for flowering. Vegetation fertilizers focus more on nitrogen, and flowering fertilizers focus more on phosphorus.
  3. Vega is for Vegetative life. Flora for flowering. Just like Doki said.

    Canna Terra is not an organic line, but it works with organic media like soil. BioCanna is an organic line designed to support microbial life in organic systems.

    As I understand it.

    You should check out the canna-us site, they have a lot of good info on there.
  4. Yeah, like 2lcs said, BiaCanna is the organic line.

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