Hey hey hey smoke weed not tha yay. so i'm finally growing and i'm soo psyched. I should be receiving my first bag of seeds any day now off a friend! So my setup is a 31wx31Lx28Hin plywood Veg Chamber. The box is sealed with silicone, and panda film poly coats the inside. The door has weather stripping on it and its very pressured when latched shut. lights - (2)24 inch 24w Hydrofarm t5 high output 6500k flourescent lights, daisy chained together. i have a clock styled timer for my lights and a digital thermometer hydrometer, with a drip test ph kit. I am ventilating the box tomorrow. I think i may want to eventually put a 150 or 250w MH in this cab so i think i will purchase a 230cfm 6 inch fan that mounts right on the back of my box from the horticulture store for 80$ . this will, for now, passively suck air from 2 2in inlet holes at the front bottom of the box. if i get a MH light in the box i would fashion a DIY Cooltube and run ducts from the fan on the box to the cooltube and then around to the back top of the box and suck air again from the inlet holes, across the cab up into the ducts leading to the cooltube/mh light to the fan mounted on the box. What do you think of that? Would that cool an MH HID light enough for the plants to be within say 6 inches of the cooltube? would that also ventilate the box fully? should i use an inline fan instead? how significant would an MH light be in my veg as opposed to my t5s? Now, onto my Flowering Cab. I have not decided if i should build this out of plywood or buy a tent, but i have a 40inwx36indeepx68inh space that i want to fill with this chamber any suggestions that way? i was thinking a 400w hps would do well in this box/tent, with a DIY cooltube and a 6 inch 230cfm fan w/ducts to vent would cool it, but i could be wrong. need all the suggestions and help i can get here. stealth is an issue but its not that big of a deal. When i get my seeds i will want some recommendations on Soil and Nutes. Also i am considering going hydro. if anyone could throw me a diy guide i would be really stoked. i will definitely get some pictures up soon. please get me some advice stat! my ears are open!
i just found High Tech Garden Supply. Would this fan do what i need done? it seems like it might and at 1/4 the cost of the 6 in fan i was gonna buy.