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Canadian Stoners/ Prices?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Chronatonic, Oct 2, 2010.

  1. Just wondering where your all at!! an what you pay for your herb, as well as what kinda strains you get around your area? There doesnt seem to be too many of us on here so i figured id put this thread up ,

    Up in Yellowknife Nwt we pay 40 for an eighth of mids, 80 a quarter, 140- 160 for a half, an 260 - 280 for an oz,

    An for dank we pay, 50 an eighth, 100 a quarter, 180 - 200 for a half, an 350 - 400 for an oz, all depends what it is, we mostly just get kush,

    as far as strains, the most common we see up here is OG kush, an Nyc Diesel, which are usually only in the summer

    Theres a few people who mail order buds off a site in BC so theres a hefty variety then, but again thats not very often

    an during spring break up an winter freeze up it gets SUPER dry here, the only road into yellowknife gets closed for awhile because we have to wait for the ferry to go in, or for the ice road to open up

    Peace love n pineapples :smoke:
  2. Hello fellow northerner..

    Up in northern manitoba, 1 gram goes for 100 bucks a pop. This is regular run of the mill weed.. and prob not even a gram. These prices are for fly in reserves only, you cant get there in summer, only for 2 months during the winter roads. a 26 of booze can sell for 200 bucks up there, trust me ive brought a bottle one time.

    In southern manitoba, 10 bucks a gram, 60 a quarter usually. always pretty dank, rare to find bunk weed.
  3. From the Toronto area. Depends on the weed but around here I pay 60 for a quarter of dank. But I'm real tight with my dealer.
  4. yeah dude i totally know what you mean, people from yellowknife will travel up to the northern communities an sell weed for retarded prices, but theyll all pay it, good way to make a few bucks if you got connections haha, theres also a couple dry communites that will pay an arm an a leg just for a mickey, but you get caught bringing that in an your in big trouble hahah
  5. 10 bucks a gram 50 for a quarter in BC, just picked up a half O of white rhino for 85 bucks though :)

  6. Sounds pretty average for BC :wave:

    But for me I can get average 30-40 for a quarter at my neck of the woods of BC.
  7. oh what i would do for bc prices, yeah theres only the two price ranges up here, 40 an eighth or 50 an eighth, an with both you can get really really goood shit, or fucking shwag, theres never a consistent supply :( last week i picked up an eighth of some wicked kush for forty an eighth, an yesterday i got 4 grams of complete shwag for 40 from my same guy,
  8. ontario=
    10$ for a gram o dank
    30 for 3.5
    110+- for a half
  9. In Canada's capitol a gram goes for the usual $10, but the least most people buy is 3 grams for $20 which is the common deal here. Then we have Regs for $50 a quarter, $90 a half and $170 an O. Pretty standard prices.. I've only ever gotten Mids and Highs in quarters which is $60 for mids and $70-80 for the real good stuff:smoke:

    There are tons of different strains here, my budman has different strains on top of his norms every month to try.
  10. Here in Ontario let's say Hamilton I pay $10/g. $35/Hq. $60/Q. Prices don't really change when the weed gets better but they drop if it's a bit of lesser quality

    Canada's sick haha

    Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
  11. Damn rights canada's sick! Where else can you skidoo to work? take your quad to school, i love it up here, having dozens of lakes within 30 minutes of driving, its like a little slice of cold ass paradise hahah
  12. Hahah that's actually pretty sick man, I would love to be able to skiddo to work! I've never met anyone from the territories before.. let alone a fellow stoner haha but I've always wanted to take a trip up north, you just don't get that scenery anywhere else
  13. yeah man for sure, its definately something different, only draw back in the winter, its pretty fuckin cold, usually hit around 3 weeks of -40 bit of -50, then the rest of the winters between -20 an -30, too cold too long, but you get used to it :)
  14. Ottawa:

    10$ / g
    15$ /2g
    20$ /3g
    45-50$ / Q
    90-100 / Half-Oz
    160-200 / Oz.

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