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Canadian MMPR and the oil field.

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by TheArchivist, May 4, 2015.

  1. so I have a question. as a young man about to return to school for welding and using cannabis for medical reasons (at this point, though believe you me my relationship with the herb has changed since I was young and partying), I'm struggling with spending $350 on having a private clinic provide me with a prescription. The problem is that I'm a father of 2 children, Steven Harper is a serpent, and there's no guarantee I'll become exempt from federal prosecution, so dropping that amount of coin is... difficult, to say the least, for me to come to grips with. 
    My question is, if I am successful, and I obtain my MMPR, do I then become exempt from that portion of drug testing in the oil patch, should I choose to pursue a career there? or am I stuck in metal fab shops in the lower mainland welding shit back together that stupid people break? just out of curiosity before I blow the money on a private clinic, otherwise I will wait for legalization.
    ps: and before anyone tells me to talk to my family doctor; he's South African and generally against people using anything "illicit" to treat themselves with. I've brought up using pot to treat my anxiety and stomach problems and he tells me he has better things to treat that with and that if I need a prescription he will write one. I haven't talked to him in a while about it, other than the other day, since I've been dealing with a veritable slew of stomach issues that the only thing that seems to give me lasting relief has been pot and he proceeds to bring up cyclical vomiting syndrome and how that can be caused by pot and that maybe I should slow down, without knowing (I guess) that my symptoms didn't match up with CVS in any way shape or form. basically at this point I feel like my only option is to seek an outside opinion from a physician at a private clinic, hence why I pose the question
    thanks for your time folks, dabs up.

  2. If Canada is like the U.S., a MMJ card will protect against state prosecution, not employment drug testing.
  3. it's not. our system is  federal and VERY different.
    I've always assumed that if you were federally permitted, companies operating in Canada would not be able to discriminate against you due to a medication that you are on; they can not do so if you are on opiates or any other prescription medication, I'm basically wondering if cannabis now shares the same luxury.
  4. Your forgetting one important thing. Health Canada does not recognize MMJ as a legitimate form of medicine, period. Ambrose said this herself.
    The federal legality is from the courts. I think you would still have problems with employers. Maybe not all. But some. has some good articles about the MMPR

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