Canada Legalization

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by dankness420, Oct 22, 2015.

  1. Hi again Scootb73,

    There's been so much damage caused by decades of misguided 3rd-party interference, yet it's those bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionists themselves who escape accountability for creating all sorts of social exacerbating forces (e.g. artificial stress perpetuated to the benefit of a predatory system!)...


    Welcome to the piss industry, which personally got me banned on Cannabis dot Com for my criticism as i recall... But there are TrudeauManiacs even among cannabis consumers and they're just convinced that he's "cool", which drains me out of hope. Progress shall be too slow to come for us to really enjoy it, i fear, while Prohibition v2.0 is young and powerful!


    Quite evidently you were absolutely correct to denounce injustified invasion of privacy considering they're actually detecting cannabis consumers instead of an intoxication state. There's got to be some "Spe¢iali$ts"/"Expert$" left lurking around who don't readily align with those in power on similar subjects, too bad they're remaining invisible on mass-media - while the later is in no hurry to update its retrograde self-serving legacy. Reefer Madness is strong and kicking, especially among "elites" of my province.

    Honestly, what profe$$ional class can we publicly trust when it comes to cannabis these days? A guy who supported Narconon's scientology "treatment" a decade ago (which caused provincial authorities to CLOSE the Trois-Rivières/Qc "re-hab" center) is now senator in Ottawa and he was given 3.5 M$ of Québec's public money for his own "re-hab" center in 2018, e.g. in a mari-caca "Légaleezation" context!! His name is Jean Lapointe, an ex-repent boozer who's own son Jean-Marie was like an updated emulation of the father not so long ago, apparently...

    In any case those are twisted Cat 'n Mouse games and the leading motivation has been VILIFICATION since the days when Hilary Geller served @ Health Canada as assistant deputy minister, under Harper... Remember it when the time comes to blame some ellusive/installed guru for the failed e-Cig/Vaporizer legislature of 2017.

    Expect no relief, not even from "Harm Reduction"; it's only a begining and the next federal elections can't/won't fix that the least bit - on the contrary!


    Maybe it's time to think of "Micro-Dosing", that might complicate blood hints detection a bit further i bet.

    Good day, have fun!! :D

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