Canabiss drops

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by MDriver1981, May 1, 2021.

  1. I have two bottles.

    "Harmony" bottle:
    1:1 (THC:CBD)
    THC - 75.00 mg
    CBD - 75.00 mg

    "Sleep" bottle
    100:1 (THC:CBD)
    THC 148 50 mg
    CBD 1.49 mg

    Neither drips are giving me the feeling we desire from pot. I filled the beaker up four times and still felt nothing. Some say wait a few hours, which I did, and nothing happened. hmmm....
  2. Where did you get these bottles from?
  3. I wouldnt expect the harmony to get you high

    Are u sure the 2nd one isnt the other way around?

    How much are you taking? Maybe eat a snack about the same time?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. What i'm taking

    Attached Files:

    • Informative Informative x 1
  5. That may be the total cannabinoids for the bottle. How much is a dose? Let's see the rest of the label so we can put it in perspective. How much is supposed to be in there? The "1:1" and "100:1" are only ratios and don't equal potency. :huh:
  6. Its probably 75mg for the entire bottle, and in my experience 90% of dispensary edibles/tinctures are trash.

    so if your using a 1mil dropper and the bottle is 30ml your gettinglike 2.5mg per dropper

    75mg / 30 doses at 1 ml = 2.5mg

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