Generally no, because its a hydro medium by itself. So with that said what kind of set up are you running.?
i have 9 auto remazar seedlings which grow to a max of 80 cm,i have a grow tent 1.2 metre by 1.2 metre by 2.0 metre tall,i have 2x 90 watt ufo led grow lights and 2 x 30 watt cfl energy saving grow bulbs equivilent to 150 watt each.also can you tell me how much and how often i water my plants when i put them in 10 litre/2 gallon pots.
i run canna coir..i add 1/3 perlite..i amend with..blood meal...bone meal....touch of sulfer....dolimite lime to stabalize ph..bat guano...worm great..also in coco on seedlings i start them first watering onrizo and superthrive..then at week 1 i start nutes at 25% and work up..i feed with nutes every watering..coco is inert..think hydro,also suggest some type of cal/mag suppliment cause coco eats that shit up..on watering..with coco..water till 20% run off..this means let water run out of your pot while still acts like a mini flush..i run 2 gallon smart pots inside and water every three days..let your coco dry between waterings to make the roots grow searching for water..if you water cocoi too much..the roots dont hafta grow to get water resulting in pitiful root balls..youy've got 2 pretty good growers willin' ta help..way more than most blades..take advantage cause good answers are tough ta come bypeace me if ya got questions