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Discussion in 'Music genres, Bands and Artists' started by FALSE, Dec 30, 2012.

  1. Can. Good word. Good band. A very unique and diverse sounding group. Anyone else enjoy?
    [ame=]Can - Mother Sky - YouTube[/ame]
    [ame=]Can - She Brings The Rain - YouTube[/ame]
  2. haha i clicked on this expecting some shit. But i kind of am digging this. thanks dude nothing like discovering a new artist. Out of curiosity what else do you listen to?
  3. ^Definitely Doolittle!!! Modest Mouse, Radiohead, Wilco, Phish, Sonic Youth, Ween, Flaming Lips, Talking Heads, Bark Psychosis, some reggae more recently, definitely Neil Young, and a bunch more obviously.

    My favorite group as of late would have to be Tortoise, though. They are so far out in jazz/latin/world territory that its almost uncomprehendible.
  4. Nice man! modest mouse is dope dashboard is one of my favorite songs of all time. Radiohead is sick too i got all their albums on vinyl. Yankee hotel foxtrot was a classic.

    if you like talking heads id listen to LCD Soundsystem (my favorite band).
  5. Best band ever

    [ame=]Can - Paperhouse - YouTube[/ame]
  6. [ame=]Can - Mary, Mary So Contrary - YouTube[/ame]

    I wish someone would've told me about Tangerine Dream also when I was younger.

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