I'm smokin' with a few friends one of em' reaches over and asks "what are these?" (referring to my bottle of Promethazine pills) I answer him and he's like, "the kind they stick in a IV at the ER?" sure, I guess. only milder. I get motion sickness easy. "dude, I wonder if you can melt these down and IV them?" To avoid going into full detail, let's leave it at this; GC, do you have any input on this? If I wasn't high, I wouldn't really even pursue answers to this, but I'm too curious for my own good. :/
Promethazine doesn't even have very much... "recreational" value. The "short" answer is yes, however. Then the question becomes; "is it worth it?"
chyea i mean you can slam alot of things. doesnt mean its worth it. i dont think any drug is worth slamming unless its from pros and your in the ER or something
Cook it like coke or heroin in a spoon with water. Most pills can be dissolved like this and injected, but it's a very bad idea because the fillers and glues used to make the pill are very dangerous in your bloodstream. A promathazine pill has other toxins in it that are ordinarily dissolved in your stomache, but when injected to the bloodstream can result in death.
Yeah, the idea is pretty stupid really. basically wanted to know so I could shut my friend up. but thanks for the replies. peace!