Can you vaporize 5 day Harvested bud?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by mechanix901, Oct 24, 2010.

  1. So i had my first harvest, its been drying and i trimmed it the third and its still drying. Im leaving my best buds to dry and cure to perfection but my popcorn nugs i want to vape. I could go back to buying from a dealer but thats a $30 gram so....:smoke:
  2. Depends on what kind of vape you have... I use the MFLB, so I dunno if I could grind up 5 day harvested bud enough to actually vape...that woukd still be so wet, you know what I mean? I dunno about your vape though, maybe a volcano, Silver Surfer type vape could do it.

    You could smoke it but that would be extremely harsh on the lungs and is highly ill-advised.
  3. i smoked it and it wasnt too harsh. Im using an iolite vape. I'll probably cut with nose hair clippers instead of grinding it and see how it works

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