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Can you use kief instead of bud for firecrackers?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by greenthumb245, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. Sorry i cant seem to find a strait answer to this somewhere.

    I was wondering, i just went through 1oz of bud the past few weeks and have alot of kief in my grinder, i was wondering if just doing firecrackers the same way i would with bud, bud instead use kief if the whole recipe would be the same. And woud it still work good?

    Let me know, thanks!
  2. It's still THC, so of course. But remember dosing will be stronger & it's also kind of a waste IMO... I'd rather rip that shit on top of a bowl than eat it!
  3. Yes, and you'll get quite screwed sir :)
  4. like that answer:D

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