As the title says, I've got an extra bottle of 70% laying around the house, didn't have any 91% when I checked at Kroger...
Yeah, you need the 91%. They won't have it a grocery store, but they will have it at pretty much any drug store, or walmart.
walgreens selll 32oz bottles 2 for $3/...... i wouldnt use it for qwiso.... the purer the better my friend
Just because it won't turn out as good doesn't mean you can't do it. If anything, aren't you just not extracting as much with it? I've done it multiple times with 70% and my QWISO has always turned out quite good.
You are likely extracting most if not all the cannabinoids. Your also extracting a lot more of the water soluble shit. It will work but I think 91 is the magic number here.
yup, you're right on that, plus the purity also goes down with the percentage, but it's possible nontheless