Can you trust your friends

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Ninjaballs, Mar 14, 2018.

  1. I was riding with a friend today and he told me another friend Will had left a laptop in his truck and some other things. He said Will was pissing him off lately he felt like he was using him, so he was gonna cut him off. Then he told me he might just keep the laptop and tell him he didn't leave it here. Later on Will called and he didn't answer it, but he let it ring. Who the fuck does that. We all met over 9 years ago. This is why i lock my doors at night...
  2. Did you call him out for being a cunt?

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  3. It depends on your term of the word "friend." For instance, I have several acquaintances, but only two which I consider my friends. Why because they are the people that will have my back no matter what, they are the people I've done just about anything I could for, and that's again because I know they'd do the same for me.

    Even without talking for long periods of time, if one of them calls I drop my shit and Go. Same goes for them, if I'd ever call they'd come running. These are people I trust with everything and are intertwined with my family as well as I theirs. You know, people who morally all the way through and through are similar to myself.

    So I ask you, is this a person you could spend long periods of time with and trust? Is this someone that even though you upset, will still feel the same. Even through their anger? Would this person do the same to you as he is doing to the other "friend" you speak of? If so, then hey you choose who is important in your life and no one can tell you otherwise, but I suggest taking a hard look at who the person truly is.

    If anything people will show their true nature, sometimes at unsuspecting times. You decide how you see that. With that being said though, he may choose to follow the moral high road and give the guy his stuff back. Some people act out with intimidation around others because they think it'll make them look cool or more masculine.

    May I ask if you said anything about it to him? Or simplily just passed it by? If you speak for what you believe in; sometimes the moral mirror will reflect and you'll get your answer.

    J Evergreen
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  4. Damnit Norse, you seem to catch me every time. :laughing:
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  5. Lol Sorry Johnny!

    Seriously though, that was a prime opportunity for a moral person to call out another person for entertaining immoral actions. This negative behavior can be corrected by social pressures.

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  6. Ofcourse i did. I didn't want the op to be long or get off topic but he's done that to me before and i told him that's something a hoe would do. Just hit the ignore button and stop being a fake. People know/will assume he ignored the call at this point.
  7. Good job man, hopefully he reflects on his cuntiness.

    I am sorry someone you considered a friend has revealed a weakness in his character but perhaps you can help him heal himself!
  8. You are very right in your presumption. Also you are correct with the latter of your responses. Helping others to correct their immoral behavior should be on the forefront of a productive friendship.

    I did not intentionally mean to make it sound as you @Ninjaballs should relieve this friendship for only that one reason. I have lately been using my own personal experiences as ancedotes to sometimes wrongful accords of others situations. I apologize. I know everyone is different and so is every situation at hand.

    Norse is very right and at times of inconvenience in friendships, sometimes being the helping hand proves meritorious.

    J Evergreen
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  9. Honestly I'm not interested in helping him heal. If he wants to cut someone off and steal from them I need him out of my life. I've had that happen a couple months ago and he's not worth risking it.
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  10. I don't blame you man. I literally have one real friend aside from my fiance.
  11. There you go. Answering your own question is paramount to your own intuition. I have the feeling you've felt this way for some time? Usually it takes insight into a persons true nature that makes you change the way you view their behavior.

    J Evergreen
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  12. Yea i have been paranoid about him for a while because he stopped taking his meds. He gets angry over little things. I don't give him the chance to steal from me, but he says i always smoke and leave. So maybe he feels like I'm using him. Even though its always my smoke. I thought he was better friends with Will than me which is why this has me worried.
  13. That's messed up!

    To answer your question I have a few other females I consider to be my besties and I feel I can trust them. They haven't given me a reason not too. My husband is also my best friend too and I would trust him with my life.

  14. Before I trust somebody I consider how I'd act. If it seems more logical to betray me kiss my ass.
    Like once I lend a dealer 100 bucks thinking he can do maths and knows it's more profitable not to piss me off.
    Only trust people as far as you can throw them or if you know how to get revenge
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  15. Update... It turns out i was right about this kid. He tried to get me to front him $100 and when i told him I dont trust him he cussed me out and hung up. Lmao this kid is desperate as fuck but he must think I'm a real dumbass if he thinks I'd trust him with that after telling me he just stole from another friend. I'm glad he tried because I've been needing a solid reason to cut him off and it didn't cost me anything. Win win.
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  16. I don't expect anything to come of this, but i have family in the local police department who i told that he's growing pot in his closet. First time I've really snitched but i have no proof.
    • Disagree Disagree x 2
  17. Once a snitch, always a snitch. Now nobody should trust you. Hopefully your friends find out and keep clear of your narc ass
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  18. Yeah you snitching on him like that was not a bit of right. He may be a dick that would steal a laptop from a dick or might would crap you out of $100 but you're the biggest dick that would see him behind bars with a destroyed life thanks to those loose lips.

    Using his grow as ammo against him just because you're not seeing eye to eye is beyond shit. I hate people like you.
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  19. #19 CBDBurner, Mar 21, 2018
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 23, 2018
    Lol so basically You n ur friends steal from each other, talk shit bout each other, and snitch on each other. Bunch of bitches.
    This is why I don’t have “friends” I only keep family close to me and I meet up with acquaintances Anywhere but my place. My buisiness is my buisiness.
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  20. Wow, what a fucked up thing to do to a fellow stoner. Remind me not fuckin cross you, damn.

    Revenge is never worth it. You put yourself at risk for retaliation and have absolutely no one to blame but yourself.
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