Can you start seed's outside?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by upinsmoke78, Apr 21, 2012.

  1. Hey how's it going. Im planning on starting my very first grow pretty soon. It's going to be an outdoor grow. I was planning on starting the seeds indoors at a friends place but the plan fell through as his parents are mad at him about smoking. Im trying to think of some other place to start them indoors but can't think of anywhere else. What i am wondering is do i have to start the seed's indoors? Can i germinate the seed's and plant them directly outdoors or will that not work? Any advice would be helpful. Thanks for reading. I don't want this plan to fall through as i already have my seeds.
  2. Theoretically it it possible, but there is room for so many more error, and problems. What area are you in, and how much are willing to spend on the indoor setup? I woild reccomend trying to rent out a storage space.. there like 100 mnth. find a place where you just rent it out for a mnth......... there usually 100 a mnth.. if you need help getting equipment and stuff. ill write a post on where to get everything you need except soil and pots ( you can use 2 big rubber maid bins) as well as a low smell strain. yep...
  3. Believe it or not, seeds are designed to start outdoors. For some reason Mother Nature doesn't use paper towels. Maybe she's just cheap. You may want to ask the people in the outdoor section for more info on that type of growing.
  4. but indoors in a controlled enviroment its easier to prevent problems that may occurr outside... as ai said its possible but ppl have more success starting indoors
  5. Oh I wasn't disagreeing with you. If he can start them indoors then he should go for it. If not then it's starting to warm up outside and they likely will still be okay. Of course outdoor isn't my thing, hence the referral to the outdoorsies forum.

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