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Can you smoke too often?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by bluntobject, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. So recently I was caught by my parents smoking. Yes I'm in high school and live with my parents (and yes i'm 18). They were pretty mad about it, so I'm done smoking until I move out in about 4 months. Their house, their rules, i'm done trying to sneak around them.

    Of course they lectured me about the dangers of "drugs", citing many bullshit facts that I couldn't correct if I want my college paid for. Of all the the things they said, only one really made me think.

    Is there a point when you can smoke too often? Think about an alcoholic. If you start drinking every day at the beginning of the day, during your lunch break, when you get home, and before you go to bed, it is reasonable to consider yourself an alcoholic. So what I'm trying to get at is when you smoke at those same times, are you smoking too much? Can you get to a point where you smoke too much too often, which then affects your life.

    Now, I'm not passing judgement on alcoholics, you can do whatever you want. Also I am in no way comparing alcohol to marijuana or the effects they have on the brain and body, it's just that both are used by many people as stimulants.

    lot of things going through my mind at this point and going without being able to smoke just sucks lol
  2. It will only effect your life if you let it. You can smoke weed all day and still function perfectly fine, you just need to exercise some self control.
  3. Well obviously. If you are feeling the need to smoke all day long, something's up.
  4. not quite tru mate:wave:
  5. its not a problem till u need to stop. alcoholics have much difficulty there, us stoners arnt really affected by stopping abruptly, in fact theres no reason for us to stop.
  6. sometimes i smoke the top shelf shit too often to the point where it hardly touches me. then i have to quit for a few days because nothing will get me high.
  7. The correct answer is no.
  8. last time I checked....nope.
  9. When you start prioritizing your smoking over more important things, that's when it becomes a problem. It sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders and it's great that you're willing to kick smoking for a while out of respect of your parents. So for you, I wouldn't worry about it, sounds like you got shit under control.
  10. Cannabis is not addictive, however it can be easy to waste a lot of time under it's influence. I hit a bad rut about a year ago during my unemployment, in which I spent practically all day everyday high as could be. In that case it made the situation worse, and I believe I was consuming far too much. However, that was down to my lack of will power and laziness. Overall, You can't smoke so much you die (extreme), but you can lose contact if you lose all will power.

    If it reaches the point where you seem to be spending more time worrying about this drug than actually getting on with your life, you should probably take a moment to step back.

    "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
  11. +rep
    Totally agree, I love smoking cannabis as much as the next guy but I find it a problem when I see friends eating shitty food and living unhealthily just so they can get the dankest bud.
  12. Yea I was definitely to the point where it became a priority rather than just something to relax with at the end of the day. I figure about 4 months will give me enough time to adjust to not smoking constantly and get my shit straight.
  13. I remember some 'o my teachers saying that most alcoholics shake in the morning (like they need a shot or two to function properly). I doubt this can happen with marijuana.
  14. Hey man im unemployed right now and get high all day everyday. How did you get out of that rut? Im currently collecting unemployment, which is kind of nice, but I feel so lazy cause my life is going nowhere and im young. Do I just gotta get out there and get a job and start having a life? I kind of hate unemployment, if they didnt give that shit out I would actually be motivated to find good work
  15. 'too often' for you ya there is such a thing but it's different for everyone, and it takes honesty and discipline to know how much that is. For me i am a much happier person only smoking once a day, could i get away with smoking more often sure but i don't really want to , are there times i smoke more often sure but too many days in a row and it stops being as fun. So find your sweet spot and stick with it, is my opinion

    I just don't think there is a universal gold standard for everybody
  16. The difference between alcoholics and frequents pot smokers is if alcoholics don't get their drink they go through intense and unpleasant withdrawals, shakes ect.
  17. Am I smoking too much if I smoke every night as a college student? This may sound a bit extreme, but the details can remedy that.

    I smoke after I finish all of my work, after I do the things that I personally know I will not want to or wont be able to do while high. I know my own self and my limits. I know I can write killer essays while high but can't read a book worth a damn. So after I do what I cant do while high, I'll relax and chill with a bowl. Am I addicted? Well thats the difference between us and alcoholics, if I didn't have marijuana, I would be ok with that in the grand scheme of things. I may be a bit sad, but I won't be violently shaking or becoming absurdly ill
  18. Man ive just recently gotten back into toin i used to smoe constantly i could go through an oz a week just myself id always cary 5 or 6 J's in my pocket yeah u can smoke 2 much
  19. it can get you in trouble.

    it can make you feel more lazy

    It doesn't have to. You have to keep yourself motivated. If people can tell you're high all the time, then yes it will negatively affect you. It's not going to kill you or anything.
  20. Everything in moderation.

    Even drinking water (and alcohol), partying, or binge eating. Do one thing more than common sense dictates and yes, it can become bad for you. Either by becoming too dependent on it or just the side effects of chosen item.

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