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Can you smoke hash alone out of a bowl without weed?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Dom Kennedy, Oct 2, 2010.

  1. I'm a novice with hash.

    Got about a gram, would it work if i just smoked it alone in my bowl or do I need some trees on there so I can just throw the hash on top?

    Thanks :smoke:
  2. Put a screen in your bowl then take a hits worth of hash and lay it on top. Then smoke it. Don't torch the hash though, get the lighter close enough to where you can see the hash start to melt or bubble.
  3. Hot knife it bro, google some shit
  4. Cool, thanks for the replies y'all..
  5. depends what kind of hash you have, a screen will work for anything, i personally like to grind up solid hash, burns alot better, but ive only done that for hash mixed with herb,
  6. Yes, but don't pack a full bowl to yourself thinking you can finish it. If you got some good hash you'll get fucked up harddd.
  7. Yea it really doesn't take a lot of hash to get a ton of hits, there's multiple methods you can use that are pretty good, what I do is like someone already mentioned I take a screen (I sometimes just use tin foil and poke a hole in it) and put it in the bowl of my bong and just smoke it like that, but you can also do knife hits (work very well if you do it right) and you can even vape it. I prefer the bong with hash though because you can do some really really big hits and it really gets you stoned.

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