Can you show your SS card as ID?

Discussion in 'General' started by Sproggs, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. I lost my license and need to buy cigs, can I show my SS card as ID to get them? :p
  2. if it has the year your born, as well as a picture then yes.

  3. If you are referring to your social security card, how would they know that's you?

    EDIT: I ask this because there's no picture on it. Or am I missing something? o_O
  4. may i suggest your passport?
  5. You need photo ID man. I'd vote health card if you were in Canada, but apparently you're not.. Sorry man. Someone mentioned passport. Or some places will issue a card in case you don't have any other ID, but that might just be Canada (the LCBOs in Ontario have this available).
  6. #6 notbakedenough, Jan 24, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2010
    I didn't know you were in the SS.

    How long have you lived in 1940's Germany?
  7. Epic Win
  8. ^ I was just about to make the same joke :( ^
  9. post a pic of your social security card and i'll tell ya.

  10. xD o my.

  11. You would be the one to post that wouldn't you...:wave:
  12. I wonder if they filter the picture, if you type in your SSN it doesn't show up,(proof,***-**-***), its built into Vbulletin...
  13. I see what you did thar.
  14. Really?

    Lemme try.....

  15. WTF!!! You lied!!!

    How do I edit my post????!?
  16. lol...
  17. Just reminded me of this.

  18. how did you get yours to work??

    it censors mine

  19. Why don't your social security numbers have enough digits?
  20. Coke shot out of my nose! That shit burns.

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