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Can you salvage weed that has been soaked in rubbing alcohol?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by BlazinSkrub, Jun 8, 2019.

  1. Although I'm legally to smoke marijuana, my parents do not approve of it. My mother took all my weed and soaked it in isopropyl alcohol (70%) for some joint pain relief remedy.

    Would it be possible to take the bud out, completely dry it, and smoke it?

    And yeah, I know I can just buy more and that's exactly what I did. But the stuff my mother took away was like 10g of the best weed I've ever had and that specific plug is hard to get ahold of.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. The alcohol already stripped all the good stuff off the weed. What's left will taste like shit and will not get you high.

    If the alcohol is in a container stain it the best you can and let in dry up. It will leave the goodies behind to scrape up. People actually do an alcohol wash with their cannabis on purpose.
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  3. alcohol disolves the trics or THC
    so puff as you must you will get no buzz
    but a slight boozy feel and a sour throat

    besides 18yo on here please
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. no good stuff gone after alcohol - move out or buy a weed safe
  5. Hi and welcome to GrassCity where we are here to help and talk weed and have a good time
    Sounds like Mom used your herb to extract the good stuff to make a pain creme or some type of topical , waht is left is useless and I would not smoke it. So just toss it and get some new herb.
    Again Welcome.
  6. I think mom knows a bit more about pot than she should.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1

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