Can you roll a perfect joint?

Discussion in 'General' started by Floydian, Jan 20, 2007.

  1. I was just wondering how many people here have the ability to not only roll, but roll a perfectly cylindrical doobie.

    Easiest way to check other than just look at it, is check if the the little lines on your paper lines up when it's done being rolled.

    I know if I really want to I can easily roll one as good as any cigarette, 'cept the ends where some may have fallen out, but yeah.
  2. No, I'm generally packing so I don't have the experience with joints.
  3. No. Couldnt roll a joint to save my life. Not to say that i havent tried any suggestions to make it easier other than a cig roller. I used a bigger piece of paper to get it started then start rolling it is there a trick to it. And blunts i usually cut pack and then let one side overlap do you roll them or is how i do it fine?
  4. No :(

    but I can roll fairly decent joints.
  5. From a master, I learned to roll from the dollar bill method. Use a dollar bill with the paper inside it to roll the joint. Rolled perfect cig lookin joints every time when i did that.

    About half year-3/4 year later i tryed to do it freehand and did it no problem. Jus used the same princibles of the using the dollar bill method freehand and it worked.

    So i still roll perfect joints every time.

    For what, Ive been rollin joints for atleast 9 years. I know i smoke a year or two or maybe more without bein able to roll a joint.
  6. #7 Floydian, Jan 21, 2007
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2019
  7. I roll perfect, fatter then cig joints every single time. I can do it super fast too. Not including breaking the weed up, its probably like 15 seconds or so.

    Yes, I use a roller :(
  8. yea I roll it then pack bud in each end of it before twisting the ends and it usually comes out perfect

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