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Can you roll a blunt without blunt wraps or a cigar?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Valient, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. Ive heard it was possible with dried maryjane leaves... id use indica myself.
  2. wat the hell u talkin about how would u roll a blunt without a blunt
  3. i doubt tht would be called a blunt
  4. Well blunts are dried tobacco leaves so idk..possibly?:confused_2:

  5. eh... im a bit buzzed, im askign myself that same question
  6. maybe u could try to roll up with just a blunt leaf

  7. he's gotta point, if you got a big enough leaf/leaves go for it and let us know
  8. hahaaaa

    im gonna look for a big leaf

    but not a maple leaf.....ive got a few friends that grow(i dont grow. no green thumb, and i dont wanna get caught with PLANTS!)

    soo ill talk to my bud.
  9. Theres a problem...

    Here we have a tobacco leaf.

    And a marijuana leaf for comparison.

    Now obviously you can spot the difference. While the tobacco leaf is broad and large enough to yield big enough leafs to roll a blunt with effectively. The marijuana is much narrower. I would imagine that if you were to attempt this, it would be one ugly mother-fucker of a blunt.
  10. hahaha----weird man.
  11. this will be very interesting you may need quite a few leaves and someone who can roll like a pro
  12. It's actually called a marijuana cigar. Need a big ass leaf and a shitload of bud. Think Thai stick rolled in a weed leaf.
  13. I've heard that people in the Virgin Islands smoke out of a different leaf.
  14. ^ haha
    i think the leaves would be too brittle, if you ask me:smoke:

    and MJ leaves taste like shit when burnt

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