Can you read something when it's REALLY close to your face?

Discussion in 'General' started by Noxnoctum, Apr 6, 2011.

  1. I'm just wondering if my eyes are messed up. Right now, if I pull say a shampoo bottle up to within one inch of my nose it starts going blurry. Normal?

    Ok I'm all just like paranoid and stuff cause I stared at the sun directly for 5 seconds (I wear contacts)---yes I know I'm an idiot---and now they hurt a bit/feel sore still 12 hours later. Probably psychosomatic but who knows... worried I did something bad to my vision [​IMG].
  2. Oh that's not right, it goes blurry??
    I think you might go semi-blind within a week or so. My uncle did this too once, not a smart move.
    Go see a doctor asap!


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