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Can you put Kief in pills?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Valient, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. I was wondering, can you get a few of those pills that come apart(clear, jel ones that dissolve in water) with some kief? will it get you high? i dont have any kief(just gave a good friend what i had, not much)...... has anyone ever tried it?
  2. You can make thc pills but not with straight kief...same concept as making cannabutter sort have to activate that thc.
  3. It wont work because the thc needs to either bond to a fat or be combusted for you to actually get high. Just like weed pills kief pills will not get you high. There is a synthetic thc pill called marinol that does work however.
  4. No. Like you cant eat cannabis and get high you must heat it to a certain temp. For THC to activate. So no
  5. Even simply consuming THC that's been dissolved in a fat or alcohol won't get you high, it need to be heat activated, which is why we boil cannabutter, bake our brownies, and burn weed. Vaporizers work on this priciple, but THC activates at a lower than than it vaporizes.
  6. #6 Joe Luxon, Jan 28, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2010
    You would need to eat hundreds of kief pills to get high.

    For the posters above, heat is not required to get an effect from pot, thats why Firecrackers and the nummy Bhang milkshake Thandai work.
  7. You can make potent firecrackers by just letting them sit around for a week, no heat needed.

    EDit: Nice timing to the poster above lol we both jumped on that.
  8. thanks guys, ill sprinkle my THC-rich kief on a joint next time.
  9. When I said you need heat what I mean was you need heat unless you want to wait an entire week just to eat the firecrackers. So no technically you dont NEED heat but I've never heard of anyone doing it without it.
  10. #10 Joe Luxon, Jan 28, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2010

    Like i said, the Bhang milkshake Thandi . Its prepared in about 1 minute, uses no heat in its preperation, and will fuck you up as much as any edible.

    oh, and its been prepared that way for thousands of years ;)
  11. Ah nvm then thats pretty awesome.:eek: Do you know what the process or ingredient is that gets the THC out so fast without heat? Iv gotta look this up and try it.
  12. #13 Mango720, Jan 30, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2010
    There was a recipe I saw where you would heat up some weed and olive oil in a pan and then put it in the capsules.

    I found that recipe,

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